MAY 17, 2008 Registration Form
Name:_________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Email: _____________________________ To update the master list, please include addresses [__] Sorry, I can’t attend the Hom-Tom Family Reunion, but I am interested in remaining on the mailing list and sharing in the data exchange. [__] Yes! We’re coming to the Hom-Tom Family Reunion. The following will be attending the reunion.
Contributions will be accepted to fund the Bak Kai Restoration Fund Volunteers or reunion committee members are still needed!
Name___________________________ Phone ___________________ Email-_____________________
Name___________________________ Phone ___________________ Email _____________________
Make check payable to Leonard Hom, (Treasurer for the Reunion Committee) and
Refunds less cancellation fee of $10 if notified by April 30, 2008. No refunds after April 30, 2008.
Payment – Check enclosed with this reservation is ……………………………. $ ________________ Your advance payment is appreciated as we need to pay holding deposits for the caterer and the Marysville Arts Club and settle our bills before the reunion date. Thank you for your participation at this event. Also, see the next section for optional events and shirt pre-order form. (MORE)
OPTIONAL EVENTS AND SHIRT PRE-ORDER FORM: Address: _______________________________________ Email: _____________________________ To update the master list, please include addresses ******************************************************************************************************** Please circle your interest below so that we might plan accordingly. YES NO Saturday 10:00 A.M. Tour of Sierra View Cemetery (Gena Hoyer) YES NO Saturday 10:00 A.M. Tour of Chinese American Museum (Brian Tom) YES NO Saturday 11:00 A.M. Tour of Marysville Chinatown (Lawrence Tom) YES NO Saturday 6:00 P.M. Dinner at a Chinese Restaurant (Dutch-Treat, No-Host) All tours begin at the Chinese-American Museum of Northern CA, at First and C Streets. The Museum opens at the 10:00 A.M. hour. ********************************************************************************************************** If
you have any questions about the above, directions, or reservations, please
contact a representative of your branch.
Updated by LWH 4/20/08
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