This webpage is updated by Len Hom on April 19, 1999

Len's Style Sheet 1 - Getting Started

Getting Started

Let's begin with setting the color of the text and the background. You can do this by using the STYLE element to set style properties for the document's tags using style elements:

< STYLE TYPE= "text/css" >
BODY { color: black; background:white; }
< /STYLE >

Colors can be given as names or as numerical values, i.e.

rgb ( 204,204,255 )
which is a purple color.

Note that the STYLE element must be placed in the document's HEAD section along with the TITLE element. It should not be placed within the BODY section.

If you have any comments or questions, please send email to:

Len Hom

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I take full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of myself and not that of California State University, Sacramento or the School of Engineering and Computer Science