Lab 3 Assignment

This webpage is updated by Len Hom on February 20, 1999

Len's Lab 3 - Links, Formatting and Golf

The sources of information listed include

These other sources include telnet sites, any e-mail lists and addresses, libraries, and other sources accessible through the Internet.


As part of Assignment 3, I chose the topic of golf because I have recently learned the game and have found it to be most enjoyable. If anyone is interested in learning how to play the game, I would highly recommend it.

For information on Golfing on the Web, see the following sites:

Golf Websites

FTP Sites

An anonymous FTP site allows anyone with an FTP client to download copies of files on demand. This allows you to login as an "anonymous" guest using your email address as the password. I did this by logging in to: You may be prompted for a login (anonymous) and then a password (Your complete email address). Type dir to get a list of directories and files at the highest level. Type get README to transfer the file to your local computer. Be sure to enter ascii to set the file transfer to plain text mode.
When you are done with your ftp session, type quit to quit your ftp session.

An unanonymous FTP session requires an account and a password to access the account, but provides full privilege ftp access. You can try this by logging on to:
Type in the above password at the prompt. In the html directory, there is a color coder program (coder20.exe) that may be downloaded.

Usenet Newsgroups

In checking the newsgroups from time to time, you may find that some of these may be available only for a short period. The following newsgroups were active as of February 20, 1999.

Gopher Menu

Gopher space can be accessed with a Web browser by using a URL prefaced by gopher:// instead of the usual http://. You can try accessing the gopher sites below:

Many gopher sites are being phased out (including CSUS) and are going to the use of Web sites.

Other Sources

The list below provides some additional sources of information on golf. Archie is a search engine for FTP sites available to the public. To logon to archie, click on Archie Search below and type archie at the prompt. No password is required.
To check the default setup, type show
To change any of the default items, type ,set < item name > i.e.
set pager

To search for a particular topic, type find < topic name > i.e.
find golf
To quit, type quit

To access the library, click on CSUS Library below and follow the links on the CSUS Library web page. To search for a subject or author, choose the "Eureka Library catalog" button at the upper left location.

If you have any comments or questions, please send email to:

Len Hom

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