Lab 2 Assignment

This webpage is updated by Len Hom on February 14, 1999

Len's Lab 2 - Basic HTML Web Page

Basic HTML Programing

A HTML document is composed of tags surrounding text, for example
<html>     		[start of html file]
<head>     		[start of head element]
<title>...</title>	[text that appears in the window color bar] 
</head>    		[end of head element]
<body>     		[start of body of the document]
...			[user optional tags and text goes here]
</body>    		[end tag of body]
</html>    		[end tag of html file]

Basic HTML Lists

There are a number of lists that may be used in HTML:
  1. Ordered List, of which this is an example.
  2. Unordered List
  3. Definition List
  4. Directory List
  5. Pre-Formatted List

An example of an unordered list is a bulleted list:

The definition list provides a display of an indented definition below the definition term. An example of a definition list is the following:

Definition of Term
Hyper-Text Mark-up Language
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
Internet Service Provider
World Wide Web

Basic HTML List Tags

The pre-formatted tag is used to retain spaces and line feeds in bodies of text. This tag is useful in formatting verbatim displays. Two examples of this are given above under the heading Basic HTML Programming and Basic HTML List Tags below.

<OL> ...</OL>   	[Ordered list]
<UL> ...</UL>    	[Unordered list]
<DL> ...</DL>		[Definition list] 
<DT>    		[Definition term]
<DD>     		[Definition definition]
<PRE>...</PRE>   	[Pre-formatted list]

If you want to learn more HTML details, here are some good online sources.

I read the review of "Raggett on HTML 4" in the W3C's Webpage on HTML. HTML 4 is the latest version of the Web's publishing language. It comes from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international organization founded in 1994 to further the evolution of the World Wide Web. This latest version of HTML provides style sheets to give control over the look and feel of your documents, use of multimedia including the OBJECT tag, and tags for internationalization of the Web.

Another article I read is a report on the workshop held in San Jose, CA during May 1998, that discussed ideas for the next generation of HTML. The outcome of the workshop is that a fresh start with a new generation of HTML as a suite of XML tag-sets is needed to cover a wider range of mark-up information for multiple devices such as cell phones, computers, pagers, TV, and other devices. The role of W3C in all of this is to deliver a set of proposed recommendations to accomplish the above in the next twelve to eighteen months.

I also read Raggett's "Ten Minute Guide to HTML", which is a short introduction to writing HTML. This is recommended for people who write HTML by hand using tools such as Notepad or a text editor such as Pico. Since this is what we are doing in this course, this guide would be a good introduction to start writing HTML. It will make your HTML documents more accessible to a wide range of browsers.

[Happy Year of the Rabbit!] Happy New Year!

Here's a picture (27 Kb) to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit. May this be a productive year for you!

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