- Len's Style Sheet 2 - Embedded Style Sheet

This webpage is updated by Len Hom on May 1, 1999

This is an example of a background color for an element in the embedded stylesheet.

Len's Style Sheet 2 - Embedded Style Sheet - Margins & Positioning




Embedded Style Sheet Example - Setting Margins

You can set the left and right margins with the " margin-left " and " margin-right " properties, i.e.

< STYLE type= "TEXT/CSS" >
BODY { margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; }
< /STYLE >

The " margin-top " property specifies the space above and below headings and paragraphs, etc. and the " margin-bottom " property specifies the space below. To set these for all H2 headings, you can write:

H2 { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em }

To specify the space above a particular heading, you need to create a named style for the heading. You do this with the CLASS attribute in the markup, i.e.

< H2 CLASS= " subsection " > Setting Margins </H2>

The style rule is then written as:

H2.subsection { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em; }

Style Sheet Positioning

The noted text at the top of the page is positioned using Cascading Style Sheet absolute properties...
This text has been positioned in a 200 pixel wide area offset by 100 pixelsfrom the top and 100 pixels from the left of the page using absolute properties.

The following text is positioned using Cascading Style Sheet relative properties...

This text has been positioned in a 200 pixel wide area offset by 100 pixelsfrom the top and 100 pixels from the left of the page using relative properties.

Z-Index Overlays

The Z-Index is patterned after the W3C recommendation for Cascading Style Sheets. The highest Z-Index is the top layer of the overlay and the lowest Z-Index is the bottom layer.The reference source is:


If you have any comments or questions, please send email to:

Len Hom

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I take full responsibilityfor the information posted. The information on this pagerepresents that of myself and not that ofCalifornia State University,Sacramento or the School ofEngineering and Computer Science