This webpage is updated by Len Hom on March 2, 1999

Len's Sample Home Page

Some of my favorite links:

Len Hom's info:

Name/major: Leonard W. Hom/Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Classes taken: CSc 8, Fall 1998 and various workshops on Microsoft Office, word processing, spreadsheets, etc.
email address:
More information about myself:

My name is Len Hom. Since retiring from teaching environmental engineering at CSUS, I have been taking various courses under the 60+ program. Last semester, I took CSc 8, Exploring the Internet, and enjoyed it very much, and so, here I am in CSc 80. Also, I am involved in the Learning in Retirement program with the Renaissance Society at CSUS. Currently, I coordinate a seminar on Investment Basics that resulted in the formation of an investment club this year. Other activities I enjoy are golf, tai chi, travel studies, and other outdoor activities.

As far as my computer and graphic skills, I have been using the computer off and on since the 1980s, but mainly for engineering applications. Since taking CSc 8 last semester, I began exploring the Internet and its applications.

Basic HTML programing

A html document is composed of tags surrounding text, for example
<html>     		[start of html file]
<head>     		[start of head element]
<title>...</title>	[text that appears in the window color bar] 
</head>    		[end of head element]
<body>     		[start of body of the document]
...			[user optional tags and text goes here]
</body>    		[end tag of body]
</html>    		[end tag of html file]

Examples of link and picture:

Read the source and learn how to do it!!!

CSUS Homepage

[CSUS Seal]

[West Bridge]
I took this picture of West Bridge last year as part of an assignment for the Renaissance Society's photography group.

If you want to learn more HTML details, here are some good online sources.

If you have any comments, please contact: Len Hom

I take full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of myself and not that of California State University, Sacramento or the School of Engineering and Computer Science .