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    Persuasive Speech

        (100 points) 


·         Develop and present a persuasive argument.

·         Practice individual presentational speech techniques.


General Description:

Your task is to attempt to persuade or convince your audience to take a position on some issue. Consider your audience in topic selection to ensure that they will be interested in your speech. Since your goal is to persuade, try to avoid topics that they already agree with. There is no real challenge to convince students of the value of education, the merits of pizza and beer, etc. The presentation requires research in order to support your arguments with credible sources other than your personal opinion.


Specific Requirements:

·        Your presentation will be 6 - 8 minutes in length.

·        You will effectively use at least two visual aids.

·        You must use at least three oral citations from scholarly journals and publications in your arguments.

·        Prior to the delivery of your speech, you will need to provide a full sentence outline containing your purpose, thesis statement, introduction, body, conclusion, transitions and a bibliography of research sources. (Follow the sample outline format from your text.)It is helpful to indicate your planning of visual aid use and brief description of content and oral citation placement and content in case you forget to use or mention these during the live presentation so I can appropriately assess your planning as well as your actual performance.

·        Limit your use of note cards to ensure extemporaneous speaking and strong eye contact.

Grading for the Persuasive Speech will be based on Persuasive Speech Grading Criteria.

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