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Problem Sets
Homework will be assigned from both the readings and from lecture material. HW will be due one week after the material has been discussed in lecture. One HW problem will be graded. Most solutions to the problem sets are available in the Solutions Manual (3rd Edition Housecroft). The solution to the graded HW problem will be posted on-line after the HW has been handed back. There will be approximately 16 assignments, each worth 5pts
There will be 6 quizzes given at the beginning of class. Each quiz is worth 20pts and you will have 15-20min to complete the quiz. There will be no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero for that quiz. If you are late, you will not be given additional time to take the quiz. Material will be taken from the text, homework sets or examples done during lecture.
There will be 3 exams worth 100pts per exam. Exam material will include topics from homework, lectures and material from the assigned readings in your textbook. The exam dates are listed on the lecture schedule and are firm. There will be no make-up exams allowed. Exceptions will only be made for a legitimate case in which a note from a physician or employer will be required. The final exam will be an ACS standardized exam and will be worth 200pts.
Grade Scale
HW 80pts
Quizzes 120pts
Exams 300pts
Final Exam 200pts
Total 700pts
How to succeed in this class
• Do as many example problems as possible. Problem solving is one of the most effective ways to master this material.
• Read the assigned text section the instructor is going to cover each day before going to class. The lectures will be more beneficial if you have done some preparation.
• Review your lecture notes the evening after each lecture to make sure you understand the material presented.
• Do not wait until the last minute to do your homework or assignments. If you wait until the last minute, you will not have time to get help.
Refer to the full Syllabus above for more details and
a lecture
Chemistry 110
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry - Fall 2016
Lecture: MW 11-12:15pm
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry - Fall 2016
Lecture: MW 11-12:15pm
Instructor: Jacqueline Houston
Office Hours: Th 10am-12pm
Office: Sequoia Hall Room 420A
Phone: 916-278-2583
Course Description
The application of atomic structure, the
periodic law, molecular structure and
bonding principles, electrochemical principles
and other selected models and concepts
of theoretical and descriptive inorganic
chemistry. Physical and chemical properties of selected
elements and inorganic compounds are studied.
For a B.S. in chemistry, you must take Chemistry
110L, Inorganic Laboratory, concurrently with the lecture
Required:Inorganic Chemistry, C.E. Housecroft
and A.G. Sharpe (3rd Edition)
Highly Recommended: Inorganic Chemistry Solutions
Manual, 3rd Edition, Housecroft and Sharpe
Also Recommended: 3 Ring binder
for notes and handouts.
Useful Texts:Inorganic Chemistry, 4th
Edition, G.L Miessler and D.A. Tarr.;
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th edition,
Cotton, Wilkinson, Murillo and Bochmann; Inorganic
Chemistry, J.R. Bowser; Synthesis and Techniques
in Inorganic Chemistry, Angelici
Problem Sets
Homework will be assigned from both the readings and from lecture material. HW will be due one week after the material has been discussed in lecture. One HW problem will be graded. Most solutions to the problem sets are available in the Solutions Manual (3rd Edition Housecroft). The solution to the graded HW problem will be posted on-line after the HW has been handed back. There will be approximately 16 assignments, each worth 5pts
There will be 6 quizzes given at the beginning of class. Each quiz is worth 20pts and you will have 15-20min to complete the quiz. There will be no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero for that quiz. If you are late, you will not be given additional time to take the quiz. Material will be taken from the text, homework sets or examples done during lecture.
There will be 3 exams worth 100pts per exam. Exam material will include topics from homework, lectures and material from the assigned readings in your textbook. The exam dates are listed on the lecture schedule and are firm. There will be no make-up exams allowed. Exceptions will only be made for a legitimate case in which a note from a physician or employer will be required. The final exam will be an ACS standardized exam and will be worth 200pts.
Grade Scale
HW 80pts
Quizzes 120pts
Exams 300pts
Final Exam 200pts
Total 700pts
How to succeed in this class
• Do as many example problems as possible. Problem solving is one of the most effective ways to master this material.
• Read the assigned text section the instructor is going to cover each day before going to class. The lectures will be more beneficial if you have done some preparation.
• Review your lecture notes the evening after each lecture to make sure you understand the material presented.
• Do not wait until the last minute to do your homework or assignments. If you wait until the last minute, you will not have time to get help.