California State University, Sacramento Week 1: Cenozoic stratigraphy project Prepare to visit your outcrop |
What to do in lab:
- Form groups
- Make plans to visit your outcrop in two weeks
- Start to review the background material
- Choose a group leader and specialties for everyone in the group.
Send me an email with this information:
Who is in your group?
What formation are you studying?
Who is the group leader?
Contact information for each group member
What are the tasks or specialties of the group members? (see below!)
What to do before you visit your outcrop: Your group will have one week to become experts on your formation. You will assemble a short summary about your formation that demonstrates you can use a field day effectively. I call this a "flight plan". Two weeks from today your group will visit your formation. Your flight plan should contain this information:
1) Short introduction from the group leader:
What group are you?
Summarize what each group member produced for your flight plan.
2) Stratigraphic setting of your formation:
(Note: Distinguish between a stratigraphic column and a correlation chart before you complete this task!).
Produce a presentation-quality version of a correlation chart that shows the age and equivalent units for your formation. Copies of existing correlation charts are acceptable, but must be referenced properly.
What other names is your unit known by?
3) Sedimentology of your unit:
Find descriptions in the literature, and answer these questions about your unit:
Describe the beds and bedding, general appearance, composition and general appearance of the unit. How did it form? Cite references as appropriate.
What units overlie and underlie your formation in your proposed field area?
4) Location of outcrops that you plan to visit:
(Note: This task needs a GIS/graphic specialist!)
Produce a publication-quality road map for your site visit. You can use Google Earth, GIS etc. Make sure the image is sharp and easy to reproduce.
Make a second location map to show a backup area in case your main area doesn't work out.
Show Google Earth images of the location areas that demonstrate that they are accessible and safe. Google Earth satellite image are required!
5) Geologic maps- location of outcrops
Find at least two geologic maps that show where your formation outcrops. Using digital techniques, clip out portions of the geologic map that show your outcrop locations. Show these maps on similar scale by reducing or expanding them. Include these with your flight plan.
Poster template: