Geology 103 (Sedimentology and Stratigraphy)
California State University, Sacramento
Week 15: Modern and ancient reefs; reefs through time Review for final exam |
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:
Be familiar with the formation and occurrence of a barrier reef, fringing reef, atoll, patch reef and deep water or cold water reef.
Discuss Longman's reef classification and reef facies
Summarize the occurrence of reefs through geologic time
Identify the framebuilders or binders that formed reefs in the geologic past.
Reading Assignments:
Lecture 21: Carbonate shelf systems, modern reefs- Boggs, 5th edition, pp. 308-323
Lecture 22: Reef facies, reefs through time- Boggs, 5th edition, pp. 321- 328
fill out a reading log for this week. Reading logs are due at the start of class on Wednesday.
Class notes:
Graphics from lectures:
Study for the final:
Study your notes, the reading assignments and your lab material when you review for the final.
Review questions- carbonates and deltas
Here are some practice tests to help you review for the final. If we didn't cover an item in class or in the reading you will not be responsible for that question.
Lab this week-
Lab final- Your lab final will be open book, open note. You may be asked to identify grains or features in hand specimen and thin section, in addition to naming rocks.