California State University, Sacramento Week 11: Group stratigraphy project (continued!) |
This week you will visit your outcrop for the first time. Before you visit the outcrop your group leader will need to show me that you have reviewed the geologic literature and have a flight plan.
After you visit your outcrop for the first time, your group will spend the next week producing graphics and data for your poster. You will also develop a plan to visit a second outcrop.
Before you visit the field:
Your group leader will show me where you plan to go this week. Include these items:
Location map(s)
Geologic map(s)
Lithologic description or reasons to visit a site
Pick up keys, shovels, sample bags.
What to do in the field:
Be safe! Don't stop unless you have a safe place to park and work.
Find your outcrop using geologic and topographic maps.
Describe these things about your formation:
beds and bedding
sedimentary structures
Collect photographs
Collect samples
Measure thicknesses
What to do for next week:
Produce products from your first visit to the outcrop. These products will be used in your poster:
Lithologic summary: What was exposed at the first outcrop?
Stratigraphic column: Draw a simple strat. column that show bedding and lithologies at the first outcrop.
Location map: Where was the outcrop?
Geologic map: What was exposed there?
Photos: Show photos of the outcrop. Add labels if it helps!
Samples: Describe or photograph samples.
Collect information for your second site visit next week. Your group leader should stop by my office and show me these things:
Geologic map- Where do you plan to go?
Topographic map (Google Earth)- shows that your unit is exposed
Producing the poster:
Here is a Powerpoint template for your poster:
The template has instructions for producing the final poster. Use these instructions as a guide, but feel free to experiment with colors, layout and design.
Rules for poster printing
Keep fonts large! Posters should be readable from 5 feet away.
Keep it simple- use brief phrases or bullet items, avoid paragraphs.
Give credit (reference) any material that you did not produce.
Use white or light background- no dark photos or dark backgrounds.