California State University, Sacramento

Geology 500- M.S. thesis project

Week 4:  High K slug tests



We will use slug tests from the deeper (semi-confined) aquifer to estimate K.  This interval has high hydraulic conductivity, is (semi)confined, and gives an oscillatory response to slug test stress.



Van der Kamp solution:

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology: Under-damped slug test solutions, pp. 200- 204


Butler and Garnett solution:

Quick guide to Butler and Garnett, 2000:

Butler and Garnett, 2000


Longer guide to Butler and Garnett, 2000:


Butler and Garnett web guide, 2000




Link to the zipped Excel files


Data sets:  slug tests from the CSUS wellfield

Excel files from the deeper water bearing interval often show an under-damped (oscillatory) response.  Two files are provided, and each file may have more than one slug test.






MW-3A pressure test



Estimate hydraulic conductivity (K) in the deeper water bearing interval.  Include a methods section with appropriate references, results and discussion.  Use thesis format.