Groundwater/ Surface Water Interaction California State University, Sacramento Week 6: Phosphorus cycling
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:
Discuss the components of the phophorus cycle.
Identify sources of phosphorus in natural systems.
Distinguish between biotic and abiotic phosphorus retention.
Trace the effects of stream flow on phosphorus mobility and exchange.
Reading Assignments:
1) Jones and Mulholland: pp. 221-233.
2) Klotz, R. L., 1985, Factors controlling phosphorus limitation in stream sediments: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 30, pp. 543-553.
3) Wetzel, R. G., 2001, Phosphorus budgets (chaper 13), in, Limnology Lake and River Ecosystems, Academic Press, San Francisco, pp. 242-253.
Presentations: Tim's summary of Jones and Mulholland, pp. 221-233:
Jay: Klotz Article question:
Klotz article summary
Chuck: Wetzel article question:
How does the solubility of Fe influence the phosphorus redox reactions? As a result, explain how sulfur and iron trapping influences the concentration of phosphorus in the hypolimnion at overturn in a lake.