Groundwater/ Surface Water Interaction California State University, Sacramento Week 11: Subsurface influence on surface organisms
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:
Define different stream zones.
Examine the effect of floods on primary producers.
Discuss the effect of hyporheic flow on microorganisms and primary producers.
Evaluate the effect of hyporheic flow on invertebrates and fish.
Discuss scale issues and human influence on the hyporheic zone.
Reading Assignments:
1) Jones and Mulholland: pp. 381-402.
2) Malcolm, I.A., Youngson, A.F., and Soulsby, C., 2003?, Survival of salmonid eggs in a degraded gravel-bed stream: effects of groundwater-surface water interactions: River Research and Applications.
3) Geist, D.R., Hanrahan, T.P., Arntzen, E.V., McMichael, G.A., Murray, C.J., and Chien, Y.J., 2002, Physicochemical characteristics of the hyporheic zone affect redd site selection by Chum salmon in the Columbia River: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 22, p. 1077-1085.
Presentations: Tim's summary of Jones and Mulholland, pp. 381-402:
Subsurface influence on organisms
Student 1:
Summary of Malcolm et al
Jay: Why do the salmonids spawn in different areas? What would happen if they used the same spawning grounds at different times of the year? What do you think is the most important factor in redd site selection? Why did the authors not look at grain size and what data could it have yielded?
Summary of Geist et al