Basic Weir Theory

Weirs measure flows in open channels


       Bernoulli equation for ideal flow: (q = flow per unit width)


       Energy Equation: (HT = total head)

          HT = H + hv = H + v2/2g

Flow Parameters

             HT = H + v2/2g 

                  v = (2g(HT - H))0.5

               v = (2g H (HT/H - 1))0.5

                = C (2g H)0.5

         Flow  Q = vA = C (2g H)0.5 A

       Weirs may be broad-crested or sharp-crested

       The ones we use in our lab are sharp-crested

Sharp-Crested Weirs


             Rectangular: A = L H 

             V-notch: A = H2.5 tan(θ/2)

       Weir Equations

                                    Q = vA

             Rectangular Weir: Q = C (2gH)0.5 L H

                C= arbitrary constant

                                    Q = C (2g)0.5 L H1.5

                                    = C L H1.5 or C H1.5

             V-notch Weir: Q = C (2g H)0.5 H2 tan(θ/2)

                                    = C H2.5 tan(θ/2) or C H2.5

                 For θ = 90° V-notch, C ≈ 2.5, so approximately

                                           Q = 2.5 H2.5


              Rectangular weir has L = b, where

                                    b is channel width

                     Thus, Q = C  L H1.5

              V-notch weir has

                              Q = a Hb tan (θ/2)

              Our θ = 90°, so our value should be near

                            Q = 2.5 H2.5

Flow Over Sharp-Crested Weir




V-notch or Triangular Weir


Experimental Set-Up

      (See diagram on next view graph)

Water Surface Profile In Rectangular Channel With Weir

      Taps 1-3 before weir; tap 5+ after weir

      Skip tap 4 (under weir)

      Two levels between taps 4 & 6

            Over-flow of weir not in manometer taps

            Point gage can hit both areas

            (Sketch the pattern; points vary too much to just use data points)

      Supercritical flow after weir

      Go far enough to see smooth surface

Weir In Half-Meter Flume In CE Lab


Direct Measurement:

      F = Σγb(zw-z0+yti)Δyi

Hydrostatic Force:

      F = γb((zw-z0)2-((zw-z0+yw)2)/2
