Open Channel Flow
Study the application of one-dimensional flow analysis
involving continuity, energy and momentum equations to
a sluice gate in a rectangular channel
Flow Under A Sluice Gate
As stated earlier, there are two flow depths, subcritical and supercritical, for each energy level
The easiest approach is to compare the measured values of y2 with values computed for observed y1
Note: Manometer (pressure) taps show the water
pressure on the other side of the sluice gate in the
center of the channel
Force By Momentum Equation
Fx = γ* Vx *Q becomes
Fg = γ*[Q*(V1 -V2) + 0.5*b* (y12-y22)]
where γ = density of water
g (in the drawing) = gravity constant
Q = flow rate
v1, y1 = upstream velocity and depth
v2, y2 = downstream velocity and depth
b = width of rectangular channel
Force By Hydrostatic Model & By Direct Measurement
Linear hydrostatic pressure uses the simple triangular
pattern of pressure, with the average pressure at the center
point times the area. (In our experiment, the top pressure
is atmospheric, which we use as H1 of zero.)
Direct measurement uses pressure measured at several
points along the gate. The key is to select the area you
associate with each pressure value.
OBJECTIVES (Presented above)
APPARATUS (Same flume & measurement taps as for Weir Experiment, except tap on the sluice gate)
Open surge tank valve. Open both the head and the tail
(sluice) gates of the half-meter open channel unit
Determine the longitudinal profile along the centerline of
the floor of the flume to get point gage zeros. (If not clear
from a prior experiment.)
Remove air from all manometric tubing. Locate the
pressure taps in the gate and on the floor of the flume and
match them to the manometer columns.
Close the drain valve, start the large pump, and open the
intake valve.
Measure the profile and the sluice gate variables.
Establish a steady flow in the flume
Lower the upstream sluice gate until it impinges on the flow.
Slowly lower the gate until the flume is nearly full.
Wait for the flow to reach the steady state.
[Note: remove air from the manometer tubes A-F.]
Record the flow depths of the water surfaces both
upstream and downstream of the gate. For the
supercritical section, you are trying to measure at the
vena contracta.
Repeat step d until you have at least 6 measurements
of depth
Measure the water surface profile & taps A-F
Cloes the sluice gate enough to raise level above taps A-F
Measure the depth of the water to about half-way down the channel
Also record the levels at taps A-F
Shut off the flow. Turn off the pump, close the intake valve, and open the drain valve on the head tank.
Attach your data sheet and sketch of the experimental set-up
Flow Through Sluice Gate
Using the continuity equation between the upstream and
downstream flows (latter at the vena contracta)
compute the velocities on both sides of the gate for
each pair of flow depths.
From Q = ViAi
V1 = Q/(b*y1) and V2 = Q/(b*y2)
Compare the specific energy (Ei = yi + Vi2 /2g) plot
for the observed depths and computed velocities with
the theoretical plot at the same flow rate, Q
Compare the measured contraction coefficient with any
hydraulic literature reference.
Flow Rate Calculation
Using your depth measurements upstream of the gate and
at the vena contracta, along with the continuity and
energy equations, compute the flow rate and compare
it with the rate given by the flow meter
Q = V1*A1 = V2*A2
Ei = yi + Vi2 /2g
or y1 + V12 /2g = y2 + V22
Combining these: Q = 2g*b* y1* y2 / (y1 + y2)0.5
Force On Gate
Compute the force on the gate using (a) the measured
pressures, (b) hydrostatic assumption, and (c) the
momentum equation.
Compare the three values in
terms of accuracy and convenience.
Plot the pressure distributions on the upstream side of the
sluice gate from the measured pressures and from the
hydrostatic assumption on the same chart and
compare the two patterns.
Roberson, John, & Clayton Crowe, ENGINEERING FLUID MECHANICS, 4th Ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990. Ch. 6 & 15