
Supply Pumps: The two motors and pumps used for the lab experiments are at the floor level. To the left of each pump you can see the piping going up to the main line that runs to the various experimental sites. The pump bowls are in the water storage below the floor level.


Surge Tank Line: The pipe at the right of this photo is the supply line from one of the two pumps. You can just see the pump at the lower-right edge. Water from the pump enters the line at the top of this view, which then takes the flow to any of the experimental sites. The other large pipe in this view is the line to the surge tank, which is outside the lab. If a surge occurs in the system, the flow can go into the surge tank without damaging the lab system. The line to the surge tank is opened and closed by the valve near the bottom of this pipe. It should generally be open whenever one of the pumps is operating.



Half-Meter Inflow Control:  The water comes in to the flume

from the supply pipe above, and enters through the white pipe

section.  Flow measurement devises can be seen along the pipe.

A drain hose at the bottom can empty the flume.





Drain From Open Channel: This small hose section carries flow from the half-meterflume to the storage area below the floor. This section should be closed during the experimental work and then opened to drain water from the half-meter flume input area.



Half-meter flume manometers to read head level along bottom of channel & in the weir or sluice gate.


Lab Flow GPM2.jpg: This flow meter is currently (fall 2004) set to show the flow in gallons per minute (gpm). In this photo, it shows zero flow. There are two of these gages in the lab. One in the line to the half-meter flume and one to the Pelton wheel.


Lab Flow GPM1.jpg: The dial type flow meter. As currently (in 2004) set, you multiply the gage reading by a factor of 10 to read the flow rate. This is marked in the white section below the dial. As for the digital meter, there are two of these in the lab.
