TIME	Tuesday, March 2nd; you will have the entire 75 minute period
		 to devote to the quiz.
POINTS	a total of 100 points distributed as follows:                
		 50 points...........25 multiple-choice @ 2 points each
		 30 points...........15 map items @ 2 points each
		 20 points...........2 short essay responses @ 10 pts. each
FORMAT	Quiz #1 is "closed-book" but you'll be allowed a crib sheet--
		 one side of a standard 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
TOPICS	Important topics to review include the following:
		LOCATION: South America's absolute (e.g., latitude,
		 longitude) and relative (e.g., vis-a-vis oceans and other
		 continents) locations as a continent; countries, major
		 physical features, important urban centers;

		TOPOGRAPHY: evolution of South America as a landmass
		 over geologic time; ancient, recent connections to other
		 major relief features of the present-day continent--
		 highlands, lowlands; associations of topographic features,
		 including major mountain chains and oceanic trenches, with
		 tectonic forces; structural relationships of basins and
		 older highlands with similar features in Africa; important
		 and relative elevations within the continent; 

		HYDROGRAPHY: major water features of South America--
		 rivers, lakes, surrounding seas and oceans; absolute and
		 relative flows within three major river systems--Amazon,
		 Orinoco, La Plata--and relationships of same to regional
		 climatic patterns;

		CLIMATE: major regions as mapped and as characterized and
		 identified by descriptive labels (e.g., tropical wet-and-
		 dry) and Koeppen classifications (e.g., Af, Cs); general
		 seasonal patterns of temperatures and precipitation across
		 the continent and their representation in climagraphs; 

		VEGETATION: major regions as mapped and as characterized
		 and identified by both general (e.g., tropical rainforest,
		 savanna) and specific local (e.g., caatinga, chaco) labels;
		 associations with and controls exercised by climate, by
		 other (e.g., edaphic) factors; important genera or species
		 including those valued as cultigens (i.e., domesticated
		 plants as items of cultivation); richness, diversity of
		 plants within different Neotropical biomes; 

		FAUNA: richness, diversity of animals within different
		 Neotropical faunal environments; radiation of Neotropical,
		 Nearctic animals over recent geologic times.

		 topographic (e.g., barriers, high altitudes), tectonic
		 (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), climatic (e.g.,
		 droughts, El Niņo floods)--that have limited, thwarted,
		 or interrupted effective human occupance; major historic
		 events illustrating such hazards.

Review all class handouts carefully.		
Look at your texts: review physical features on South America map; review
		 opening chapters of Smithsonian Atlas, especially
		 characterizations of Amazonian hydrography, climate, and
		 vegetation; review Gade's Chapter 2 on "Lo Andino."
Peruse returned assignments--EXERCISE #1 and MAP QUIZZES #1 and #2.

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