Spring 2006 Prof. Hallinan SCHEDULE: TR, 12:00-1:15 a.m. in AMADOR 309
OUTLINE--Geography 122B examines the physical and cultural geography of
  South America both in general outline and with specific illustrations
  and examples.  Topics will include the distributions of geographic
  phenomena and the processes which generate the patterns.  We will also
  scrutinize interrelationships among these features and processes.

  Within the current undergraduate geography major Geography 122B fulfills
  a requirement in regional geography.  It may also meet requirements in
  Social Science and other majors; please see your advisor for more details.

TEXTS & READINGS:  Required readings on the accompanying SCHEDULE are
  found in two books available for purchase in the campus bookstore and
  for short-term use through the Library's Reserve Book Room--
    Gallup, Gaviria & Lora, Is Geography Destiny?  Lessons from Latin America
    Goulding, Bartham & Ferreira, The Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon.

  Frequent handouts will provide other important materials. To help locate
  places and peoples mentioned in the textbooks and in lectures please see
    South America 1:4,000,000 Map, 4th ed., International Travel Maps & Books.

  Other maps, books, and articles will also prove helpful.  See the LINKS
  page for suggestions.  Remember that our CSUS Library has many recent
  full-text articles available to Saclink users; see DATABASES.

ASSIGNMENTS & EXAMS--Successful completion of each of the following
  will help you accumulate points toward a semester maximum of 1000 points:
    3 take-home exercises @ 100 points each...................300 points
    6 map location quizzes @ 25 points each...................150 points
    2 in-class quizzes @ 100 points each......................200 points
    1 final exam @ 150 points.................................150 points
    1 report on "Resources"...................................100 points
    1 report on "Population"..................................100 points

GRADES--Letter grades for the semester will be based on total points:

			900 - 1000 points		A's
			800 - 899 points		B's
			700 - 799 points		C's
			600 - 699 points		D's

ASSISTANCE--My CSUS phone numbers: 278-7581 or 278-6109 (Dept. Secy.).
  Use for all e-mail messages.

LINKS--Go to this semester's GEOGRAPHY 122B SCHEDULE and to the course's
  Internet LINKS.  Return to Professor HALLINAN'S HOME webpage.

This page was updated 01-23-06