TIME PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE OF QUIZ #1-- Tuesday, March 6th; last 60 minutes of the regular class period POINTS a total of 100 points distributed as follows: 50 points...............25 multiple-choice @ 2 points each 30 points......15 map items (World*; USA*) @ 2 points each 20 points.....................20 true-false @ 1 point each *NOTE map locations listed below FORMAT Quiz #1 is "closed-book" but you'll be allowed a crib sheet-- one side of a standard 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. TOPICS The most important topic to review is the following: LOCATION: latitude and longitude--historical development, present-day system; the use of astronomical phenomena (e.g., Polaris, Sun) to fix positions; hemispheres and dividing lines (Equator, Prime Meridian); parallels and meridians; selection of Prime Meridian; poles, magnetic poles; other ways of specifying locations; absolute and relative locations; antipodes; Eurocentric & other ethnocentric labels (e.g., Middle East, Far East, New World, Antipodes, "Down Under", Middle Kingdom, Maghreb); continents and their boundaries as commonly identified and labelled; definitions and traditionally-identified continents; map locations of continents, oceans, major countries, US states; US township system incl. sections; land grants; local examples of parallels and meridians, land grants, sections and townships that inform the mapped content of Northern California's geography. Also important: EARTH CHARACTERISTICS: its circumference and diameter; general array of land masses and large bodies of water; absolute, relative size of continents and oceans; earth characteristics, physical or cultural, important enough to humans to be shown on maps. MAPS: relationships to the "real world"; representations of phenomena using symbols, colors; types of scales incl. verbal, graphic, and ratio (representative fractions); maps and globes as depictions of Earth's surfaces with their respective advantages, disadvantages. TIME: time zones--historical development and present-day system; calendar days; International Date Line; general sequence of clock times around the world; divisions of time related to various different Earth-Sun relationships and movements--e.g., hours, days, seasons, years; the equinoxes and solstices; sun angles at different times of year; perihelion & aphelion; cultural components in specification of periods of time. REGIONAL CLIMATE: highlights of yearly temperature and precipitation regimes in Sacramento, San Francisco, elsewhere in American West. In your text: review especially Chapter 2 on maps, map scales; also review the opening sections of Chapters 3 and 4. Check returned assignments-- ATLAS #1 & MAP QUIZ #1. FOR MAP IDENTIFICATION: Review maps of the world, USA for the map items on the quiz. The world map will use letters to identify the seven continents, three major oceans. Short descriptions will require you to identify the continent or ocean being characterized. On the US map ten states will be identified by letters. Again, you'll be asked to decide which state is being characterized. Likely topics? latitude & longitude; antipodes; hemispheres and "worlds"; time zones & days; sun at equinoxes and solstices and during calendar seasons; larger and smaller continents, countries, and states and their relative locations. * WORLD locations that may be characterized on QUIZ #1, map identification: Continents--Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia (Oceania), Europe, North America, South America; Countries--Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Congo (Dem.Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela; Hemispheres--Eastern, "Land", Northern, Southern, "Water", Western; Oceans, Seas--Arabian Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Pacific Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea; * USA locations that may be characterized on QUIZ #1, map identification: States--Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. Bodies of Water--Colorado River, Columbia River, the Great Lakes (Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior), Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Missouri River, Ohio River, Red River of the North, Rio Grande, Sacramento River