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Home - College of Health & Human Services - Department of Recreation & Leisure Studies

Formal Education | Professional Experience | Service and Involvement | Other Involemnts



Formal Education

B.S. Degree, Business Administration, University of Arizona, 1970

M.S. Degree, Kinesiology, University of California at Los Angeles, 1978

Ph.D. Degree, Recreation Administration, University of Southern California, 1981


Professional Experience

Professor/Department Chair/Vice-Chair, 1988 to present, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, California State University, Sacramento, California

Lecturer, 3 years, 1984 to 1987, San Diego State University, San Diego, California

Assistant Professor, 2 years, 1982 to 1984, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

Service and Involvement

Major Speaking Engagements and Presentations (2001-2006)

Over 100 major talks and presentations; listed below are key activities for 2000-2006:

Gray, S.W. “ Leisure Education: a Lifestyle Coaching Approach ” American Ass. of Behavioral & Social Sciences 9 th Annual Meeting, Feb., 2006 Las Vegas

Gray, S.W. “Team Sports Clubs for Adults: A Model” American Association of Behavioral & Social Sciences 7 th Annual Meeting, Feb., 2004 Las Vegas.

Gray, S.W., "New Game Leadership" 22nd Annual Resort and Commercial Recreation Association Conference, November 2002, Lake Lanier, Georgia.

Gray, S.W., "Ice-breakers for all occasions" 21st Annual Resort and Commercial Recreation Association Conference, November 2001, Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

Gray, S.W. “Distance Education, the Web, and Outcomes Assessment” 2000 CAL SPRE (Ca. Society of Recreation Educators) Conference, Nov. 2000, Asilomar, Ca.

Gray, S.W. “Case Study: Racism in Men’s Rugby 7’s Program” American Ass. of Behavioral & Social Sciences 4 th Annual Meeting, Feb., 2001 Las Vegas

Gray, S.W. “Creating Laughter/Humor in the Community”, co-presenter, California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Conference, March 2001, Sac., Ca.

Gray, S.W. “The Portfolio Process: recreation & leisure studies model” Central California Conference on Assessing Student Learning, April 2001 CSU Fresno

Gray, S.W. “Sport Specialization by Children Athletes” American Association of Behavioral & Social Sciences 3 rd Annual Meeting, January 2000 Las Vegas


Workshops, Clinics, Etc.

200+ workshops and clinics; listed below are activities for 2000-2006

Gray,S.W. "Small Group Skill Development Drills" Coach Development Day, Stanford University Rugby and the Northern California Rugby Football Union, February, 2006

Gray,S.W. "Kicking and Running Drills" Kudu Rugby Clinic, University of California Davis Rugby Club and Kudu Rugby, January, 2004

Gray, S.W. “Portfolio Assessment of the Recreation and Leisure Program” Showcase of Assessment Initiatives CSUS March, 2001

Gray, S.W. “Leadership Skills of Attila the Hun” Learning to Lead Brown Bag Lunch Series, CSUS Associated Students, Inc. March, 2001

Gray, S.W. “Lifestyle Coaching” CSUS College of HHS Life Center’s “Speaker Series Forum” April 2001

Gray, S.W. “Introduction to Power Point,” CSUS School of Health and Human Services Workshop, January 2000.


Over 40 publications; listed below is publication for 2000-2006

Gray, S.W. Team Club Sports Clubs for Adults: A Model ” AABSS Perspectives Journal, 2004.

Gray, S.W. Sport Specialization by Children ” in Focus on Skills Paper 1 Book 5, Longman Hong Kong Education, Hong Kong, 2005.

Gray, S.W. Sport Specialization by Children Athletes” AABSS Perspectives Journal, Volume 3, Fall 2000.

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Other Involvements

Coach, UC Davis Rugby Club , 2002 to present

Faculty Advisor, CSUS Rugby Club 2000 to present

Assistant Coach, CSUS Rugby Club, 2000 to 2002

Reviewer, Editorial Board of the Journal of Recreation and Leisure, 1992 to present.

Reviewer, Perceptual and Motor Sports, 1998.

Instructor/Coordinator, Recreation Management Program for Aramco. International Training Education Center, University of California, Davis, September 1991 to 1997.

Coach , United States National 7’s Rugby Team, 1983-1985, 1992, 1997, 1998.

Editor, Educators Section newsletter, California Parks and Recreation Society, 1989 to 1994.

Northern Section Representative, California Society of Park and Recreation Edcuators (Cal SPRE).1988-1994.

Member, Advisory Committee American River College Recreation Management Program, March 1995 to present.

Member, CSUS Aquatic Center Advisory Board, 1994 to present.

Coordinator, CSUS Ropes Course for various community groups, 1992 to present.

Selector, United States National 7's Rugby Team, 1991-1994, 1997 to 1999.

Clinic Leader, Rugby skill development, over 60 clinics given in California for high school, college, and club rugby teams, 1989 to present.

Consultant, United Way Sacramento Area, Summer of Service Project Grant, 1993.

President, California Society of Park Recreation Educators (Cal SPRE), 1989 to 1991.

Representative, California Faculty Association, October 1989 to 1995

Coach, United State All Marine Rugby Team, 1989 to 1992

Coach, AYSO Soccer, Davis, California, 1988 to present.

Coach, Davis Little League Baseball, 1990 to 1995.

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