Chapter 2 Key Terms


Competitiveness (36): How effectively an organization meets the wants and needs of customers relative to others that offer similar goods and services.


Distinctive Competencies (41): The special attributes or abilities that give an organization a competitive edge.


Environmental Scanning (43): The considering of events and trends that presents threats or opportunities for a company.


Goals (38): Provide detail and scope of the mission.


Mission (38): The reason for the existence of an organization.


Mission Statement (38): States the purpose of an organization.


Operations Strategy (42): The approach, consistent with the organization strategy that is used to guide the operations function.


Order Qualifiers (43): Characteristics that customer perceive as minimum standards of acceptability to be considered as a potential for purpose.


Order Winners (43): Characteristics of an organization’s goods or services, which cause it to be perceived as better than the competition.


Productivity (47): A measure of the effective use of resources, usually expressed as the ratio of output to input.


Quality-Based Strategy (46): Strategy that focuses on quality in allphases of an organization.


Strategies (38): Plans for achieving organizational goals.


Tactics (38): The methods and actions taken to accomplish strategies.


Time-Based Strategy (46): Strategy that focuses on reduction of time needed to accomplish tasks.