Public Affairs Reporting

Journalism 135

Course Description | Grading | Texts & Reading | Course Requirements | Links | Weekly Assignments

Journalism 131
Journalism 135
Journalism 193
Journalism 197



Progress Report for Group Project

Write a progress report on the status of your group project. Answer the following questions. Be specific. Type and print your responses. You have 15 minutes.

1. What do you think is the most important story to come from the research associated with your group project?

2. What information have you personally acquired for your group? Be specific. What documents have you discovered and acquired? Analysis of minutes? Survey of media?

3. What interviews have you conducted as a member of your group? List names and specific topics you were investigating from each individual.

4. If you had a deadline of 5 p.m. today to write a story from your reporting in the group area, what story would you feel comfortable writing today?