Basic Newswriting & ReportingJournalism 30Course
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Do's and Don'ts in Newswriting Style PART 2 ASI Stories LEADS Go
for impact Example 2: Sacramento State is set to cut summer school enrollment by 5 percent by making the program self-supporting. Summer courses could get cheaper Price Check: Summer fees quickly go up Don't generalize in your lead The budget cuts that were recently approved for the 2004-2005 school year will have several impacts on summer school courses and the students taking them.
quotes have opinion, emotion, add voice Incorrect: "For us at this campus, these (budget) reductions translate into a loss of 1348 FTES, or 1730 headcount students and nearly $13 million," President Gonzalez said.
Do not cite other publications in your story. Cite your own sources. According to a story in the State Hornet... According to the University Bulletin... An exception: Hockey Club dissolves amid allegations Sac
State's ex-hockey team probed
Spellcheck, but PROOFREAD! advices/advises sever/severe