1.      What type of aquifer lies beneath the Sacramento valley?

A.     Confined

B.     Fractured crystalline

C.     Unconfined

D.     Coastal

E.      None of the above

2.      Most of the groundwater in the San Joaquin valley occurs in?

A.     Detrital sediment and sedimentary rock.

B.     Cyrstalline rock.

C.     Rivers and streams.

D.     Underground rivers.

3.      Artesian wells are most often associated with ________________ aquifers.

A.     Deep

B.     Mountain

C.     Unconfined

D.     High permeability

E.     Confined

4.      A rock or sediment that is capable of storing a large volume of water would have which of the following properties?

A.     Large hydraulic conductivity.

B.     High permeability.

C.     High porosity.

D.     Crystalline pore structure.

E.      None of the above, because the ability of a rock or sediment to store water is determined primarily by the mineralogy of the material.

5.      Recharge, or water entering aquifers, comes mostly from ______________.

A.     Dehydration of minerals.

B.     Volcanic degassing (also called “out-gassing”).

C.     Seepage from oceans.

D.     Seepage from lakes.

E.     Precipitation.

6.      When a rock or other solid is permanently deformed by stress, it is said to deform by ___________.

A.     Plastic failure

B.     Brittle failure

C.     Elastic rebound

D.    Plastic strain

E.      Total strain

7.      Which of the following is not a factor contributing to the way a rock strains?

A.     How fast stress is applied.

B.     The composition of the material.

C.     The temperature of the rock.

D.    The age of the rock.

E.      The depth of the rock in Earth’s crust.

8.      Arrange the following seismic waves in the order that they arrive at a seismograph after an earthquake.

A.     P-wave, Surface wave, S-wave

B.     S-wave, Surface wave, P-wave

C.     S-wave, P-wave, Surface wave

D.    P-wave, S-wave, Surface wave

E.      Can not be determined; wave speed depends on the type of earthquake.

9.      Which of the following is the best definition of earthquake epicenter?

A.     The location along the fault where displacement occurred.

B.     The location that had the most ground motion.

C.     The location on the earth’s surface directly above the focus.

D.     The location of the nearest seismograph.

E.      The emergency shelter set up after the earthquake.

10.  Stress is to strain as  ________

A.     power is to energy.

B.     law is to crime.

C.     cause is to effect.

D.     a fold is to a fault.

E.      Wilma is to Fred.

11.  Imagine that two rocks with identical composition were subjected to the same stress, but one broke and the other bent.  What probably accounted for the difference in the rocks’ response to stress?

A.     They were stressed at different times.

B.     They were stressed at different temperatures.

C.     They were different ages.

D.     Both B and C, above.

E.      The question does not make sense because two rocks with identical composition will always respond the stress the in same way.

12.  A seismograph records _________________

A.     The buildup of strain energy prior to an earthquake.

B.     The movement of the ground resulting from P-waves, S-waves and surface waves moving past the seismograph.

C.     The movement of the ground resulting from P-waves and S-waves moving past the seismograph; surface waves cannot be recorded by seismographs.

D.     The location of an earthquake.

13.   “The present is the key to the past” is a statement of what geologic principle?

A.     Catastrophism

B.     Superposition

C.     Inclusions

D.    Uniformitarianism

E.      Cross-cutting relationships

14.  Arrange these geologic eras in their proper sequence from youngest to oldest:

A.     Mesozoic, Precambrian, Cenozoic, Paleozoic.

B.     Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian.

C.     Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.

D.     Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian.

E.      Precambrian, Paleozoic, Cenozoic, Mesozoic.

15.  The scientifically accepted age of the earth is___________.

A.     460 million years

B.     4.6 million years

C.     4.6 billion years

D.     4.6 trillion years

E.      4.6 Gazillion-billion-million years

16.  The most important factor(s) that contribute(s) to the preservation of an organism as a fossil are ___________.

A.     The organism has hard parts such as bones or a shell.

B.     The organism is quickly buried.

C.     The organism is from a species that is widespread.

D.     All of the above.

E.     Both A and B.

17.  Humans first appear in which of the following geologic eras?

A.     Mesozoic.

B.     Palezoic.

C.     Cenozoic.

D.     Humanozoic.

E.      Precambrian.


Refer to Figure 1 when answering questions 21 through 23.

Figure 1.  A cross section of several geologic units.  The unit labeled “Bart” is an igneous intrusion.  All other units are sedimentary rocks.

18.  Which of the following statements is true about the geologic cross-section in Figure 1?

A.     Itchy is older than Marge.

B.     Homer is older than Itchy.

C.     Bart an unconformity.

D.     All of the above are true.

E.      None of the above is true.

19.  In the geologic cross-section shown in Figure 1 did faulting occur before or after the igneous intrusion Bart?

A.     Before

B.     After

C.     Not enough information is given

20.  In the geologic cross-section shown in Figure 1 we know that Bart is younger than Lisa by

A.     The principle of superposition

B.     The law of inclusions

C.     Absolute age dating

D.    Cross-cutting relationships

E.      The mother-son relationship (don’t use this answer!)

21.  A mineral contains a radioactive element called “Hornetonium,” which has a half-life of  10,000 years. At the time the mineral crystallized, there were 1,000,000 atoms of Hornetonium in the mineral.  Today the same mineral contains are 250,000 atoms of Hornetonium.  How long ago did the mineral crystallize?

A.     5,000 years

B.     10,000 years

C.     20,000 years

D.     40,000 years

E.      The age of the mineral can not be determined from the information given.

22.  Crater Lake in Oregon represents what type of volcanic feature?

A.     Volcanic neck.

B.     A composite volcano.

C.     Basaltic lava flow.

D.     A geyser.

E.     A collapsed caldera.

23.  The most important factor in determining magma viscosity is ________.

A.     Temperature.

B.     Dissolved gasses.

C.     Silica content.

D.     The color of the magma.

E.      None of the above.


Refer to Figure 2 when answering questions 23, 24 and 25.


Figure 2.  Typical cross-sections showing the general shape and relative size of different volcanoes.

24.   In Figure 2, Cher would be below is what type of volcano?

A.     A shield volcano.

B.     A composite volcano.

C.     A cinder cone.

D.     An extinct volcano.

E.      A vocal volcano.

25.  The volcano labeled “Britney” in Figure 2 would be produced from what type of magma?

A.     High viscosity

B.     Low viscosity

C.     High temperature

D.     Low temperature

E.      Magma type can not be determined from the information given.

26.  A volcano formed in the middle of an ocean basin would be most like which volcano in Figure 2?

A.     Madonna

B.     Cher

C.     Britney

D.     None of the above, because a volcano formed in the middle of an ocean basin would be most like J.Lo, which is not shown in Figure 2.

27.  What type of volcano would likely form from a basaltic magma erupting on the ocean floor?

A.     A shield volcano.

B.     A cinder cone.

C.     A composite volcano.

D.     A caldera volcano.

E.      An oceanic volcano.

What is the direction of longshore drift in the diagram below?


A.     From bottom to top

B.     From top to bottom

C.     From left to right

D.     From right to left

E.      The direction of longshore drift cannot be determined from the diagram.

29.  Which of the following is the best definition of the Eckman Layer?

A.     The average depth of water in the abyssal plane.

B.     The layer of water where plant life can flourish.

C.     The depth of sunlight penetration.

D.     The layer of water above the continental shelf.

E.     None of the above is a definition of the Eckman Layer.

30.  A wave has a wavelength of 10 meters, how deep is the wave base?

A.     10 meters

B.     20 meters

C.     2 meters

D.    5 meters

E.      ocean depth at that spot

31.  For a wave occurring in the middle of the ocean, the motion of water particles is best described as______.

A.     Stationary.

B.     Circular with no net movement.

C.     Elliptical with net movement forward.

D.     Linear push forward.

E.      None of the above.

32.  Which of the following does not occur as a wave approaches and crashes on the beach?

A.     Wave base increases.

B.     Wavelength shortens.

C.     Wave height increases.

D.     Wave base touches bottom.

E.      Wave slows down.

33.  Which of the following is the main cause of deep ocean currents?

A.     Winds.

B.     Coriolis.

C.     Density differences.

D.     All of the above.

E.      None of the above.