Fractured Rock Hydrology
Groundwater Modeling
Applied Geophysics
Aquifer Testing

    Dr. David G. Evans
       Associate Professor of Hydrogeology     

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       Work history
       Awards, etc.

       Courses I teach
       Workshop I teach
       Course web pages

      Research activities

       Some for fun.

Courses I Teach

  • Physical Geology (Geol 10)
    An overview of processes operating on and below the earth's surface and the resulting features of landscape, geologic structures, and earth materials. Emphasis is on scientific reasoning and testing as applied to understanding the solid earth.
  • Earth Science (Geol 8)
    An overview of earth and planetary processes and materials.  Topics include earthquakes, severe weather, climate change, El Nino and La Nina, plate tectonics and planetary geology.
  • Hydrogeology
    An overview of groundwater hydrology for upper division students.
  • Geology and the Environment (Geol 140)
    The application of geologic data, observations and principles to situations affecting the environment.  Includes the study of earthquakes, floods, water resouces, waste disposal and geopolitics.


Workshops I Teach

  • Contaminant transport by groundwater flow.
    An overview of contraminant transport, including transport by advection, diffusion & dispersion; field measurements of dispersivity; adsorption and retardation.
  • Introduction to Groundwater Modeling
    Philosophy of groundwater modeling; typical modeling proticol; calibrating and validating flow models.
  • Fractured Rock Hydrology
    A one- or two-day workshop introducing professional geologists to basic concepts that distinguish fractured rock hydrology from the hydrology of porous media. Topics include (1) Conceptual models for fractured flow, (2) Introduction to stochastic modeling, (3) Aquifer testing in fracture rock.