Text: Pomerleau

Assignment number:_4_Reading Assignment location Pages:121-44.Arg. loc. First Argument location 123 to top 124, as repaired by Dundon.
Second Arg. location_133____

Principle of Charity applied to Locke, p 123-24 of Pomerleau:Take only the “a” of the formulation a., b., c. toward the bottom of page 123:
1)“The causal source of anything (like me) that is caused must have all the powers of the effect (me, I am the effect here)
Take from top of p. 124 the clause:
2) “Since one of the powers one (i.e. me, I)…” and
3) “it seems (i.e. therefore) the source (cause) of his (my) being….must itself be knowing. “
Find the following categories:



=Cause who must have the powers it caused in me (from #1)




= Cause of me as one knowing myself to have the power of knowing (from #2)




= Cause who must itself have the power of knowing (from #3)

1. Read the whole passage for context and to locate the argument. Be sure to use the "because and therefore" test and look for them in the texts.

article boxes

subject boxes

copula boxes

predicate boxes






M&P (Major)

S&M (Minor)










Do a circle diagram of your argument in this box:


1. My S is A, B, C.
2. My P is A, B, C.
3. My M is A, B, C.
4. My major prem. is an A, I, E, O, prop. (A=A, I=B, E=C O=D)
5. My minor premise is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
6. My conclusion is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
7. The syllogism is Valid (A), Invalid (B)
8. The figure is First (A), Second (B).

Second Argument; (Dundon's Repair of Lockes' Argument, p 133. )



= person to whom it is certainly known that the inferior, finite and dependent being is under obligation to obey the supreme and infinite being




= person who knows that he(man) is to (has an obligation to) to honor fear and obey God (the supreme and infinite being)




= frail, weak, but intelligent being knowing itself to be made by and depending on another eternal, omnipotent, perfectly wise and good God


article boxes

subject boxes

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M&P (Major)

S&M (Minor)










Do a circle diagram of your argument in this box:


9. My S is A, B, C.
10. My P is A, B, C.
11. My M is A, B, C.
12. My major prem. is an A, I, E, O, prop. (A=A, I=B, E=C O=D)
13. My minor premise is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
14. My conclusion is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
15. The syllogism is Valid (A), Invalid (B)
16. The figure is First (A), Second (B).