Schedule - Introduction
All readings in this schedule should ideally be completed by the day under which they are listed, although this requirement is only assessed during TRAs and team application exercises. All numbers in the schedule are page numbers unless otherwise noted.
CAUTION: I reserve the right to make revisions to these on-line materials prior to their discussion in class at the relevant point in the semester. Therefore WAIT until that time to print out materials you wish to have on hand, such as terms, excerpts and assignment guidelines.
Introduction: "Hinduism," Contemporary Sacramento, & Team-Based Learning
Dates | Tasks | Readings |
Tue, January 24 | personal introductions review of syllabus |
Thu, January 26 | overview of team-based learning & TRA ("Team Readiness Assessment") intro to study materials:
sample orientation to readings |
LOCATE details re: assigned TERMS & EXCERPTS in this primary source:
LOCATE additional details re: assigned TERMS in these overviews:
VIEW/BROWSE images related to terms & sources: |
Tue, January 31 | prep for trial application exercise form teams & trial TRA |
(same as above) |
Thu, February 2 | REVIEW IN DEPTH
PREPARE NOTES addressing the following focus: In "American Hindus," Diana Eck describes both
Both groups adapt traditional Hindu ideas and practices to fit in with contemporary American culture. Identify scenes (people, actions and words occurring in a particular setting) in the author's descriptions that show the way (i) participants' practice and (ii) what they reflect about shape one another during each of the events described. |