in Religious Context: (Religion 387)
& Evaluation
(1) Attendance, Preparation and Participation: Class sessions will consist primarily of class conversation, generated by students’ written contributions presented at the start of each class (see #2 & 3 below). This means that:
• Attendance is absolutely required for all course meetings. (For details on precisely how attendance affects your performance, see "Attendance Policy.")
• The required preparation for each session involves reading carefully all assigned materials prior to the class meeting, and bringing all relevant materials to class with you. This includes the analytical papers that will be posted on the course web site (& outside of Olin 149 as a back-up)) each Friday (see below); these should be printed out and brought with you to the following Monday’s class. (NOTE: readings are generally assigned for a Wednesday/Monday pair of classes. You should finish roughly half of the reading by the Wednesday session, though what you read need not be sequentially the first half of the pages assigned.)
• Once you have prepared and have made it to class, your participation is also called for, though in evaluating this I will take into consideration your personal style. My precise expectations for preparation & participation, as well as what grade you can expect for a given level of commitment, are described in "Standards for Participation." I will ask you to assess yourself in relation to these standards around the middle of the term, and then give you my own assessment so that you have a chance to assimilate feedback.
of these three elements combined will account for 20% of your grade; but note
that your attendance percentage is not added to but multiplied by
your preparation & participation g
rades. See “Attendance
Analytical Papers: Each student will be expected to submit two (2)
short (1000-1500 words = 3-5 pages in most fonts) papers
setting forth key themes and/or issues in the reading(s) assigned for the week
during which they are submitted, and then reflecting on the significance of
those themes/issues for the study of Indian philosophy in its religious context.
One of these papers should deal
with the primary texts—those
written by Indian thinkers themselves—while the other
should deal with the secondary analysis of those texts, written
by contemporary scholars. The schedule
for presentation of these papers will be worked outand distributed (both in
hard copy and on-line) during the first week of class; both should be submitted
both electronically (via the course web site)
and in hard copy
(outside of Olin 149) by Friday noon immediately preceding the Monday class
for which
the texts in question are assigned. Further
details about these papers are provided in the "Guidelines
for Paper Assignments." (15% x 2, for a total of %30 of your
Responses and Reflections. To
complement the above--to be submitted for different weeks of the term--each
student will be expected to present one critical response
to the analytical papers posted on the course web site the previous Friday (also
posted outside of Olin 149 as a backup).
This should take roughly 5-8 minutes
to present (800-1200 words for most people), and should
be typed out and brought to the following Monday’s class in multiple copies;
once again see the "Guidelines
for Paper Assignments" for additional details. In
addition, each student will prepare a one-page synopsis & interpretation of the previous Monday’s
class, to be typed out, brought to the following Wednesday’s meeting in
multiple copies, and read to the group. These should not be detailed minutes of
the conversation (although taking careful notes will greatly assist in composing
the synopsis), but rather should pull together and briefly reflect on the main
themes, issues, and/or questions around which the class conversation principally
revolved, as per the "Guidelines
for Paper Assignments." The above-mentioned schedule of analytical
papers will also included scheduling of these two types of papers. (15% &
%10 respectively, totaling 25%
of your grade)
(4) Final
Paper: The longer (2500-3000 words
= 10-12 pages with most fonts
and margins) final assignment will challenge
you to work with one or two related primary texts that are somehow linked to a topic or
theme explored in one of the above written contributions. In deriving a claim about your chosen
work(s), you should make some reference to the way religious context informs
the philosophical claims of the author(s).
I will ask you to submit a strategic plan for this paper during the final
few weeks of the term, and then to meet with me individually to review your
plan. As usual, all of this is spelled out in the "Guidelines
for Paper Assignments." (25% of your grade)