

"Elements of Religion"

Team Activities

Writing Assignments

> Source Analysis

> Site Observation

> Observation Report

Extra Credit


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Source Analyses --> Step 3

At the end of each unit for which you are NOT writing an Observation Report, you must submit an analysis of an additional source listed for that unit, described to address the concerns of a person mentioned in a scenario from one of the application exercises for that unit. Most of these sources are available (A) in the recommended books available at the bookstore and at the library's reserve collection, a few of which are posted on SacCT, or (B) directly on-line from various web sites; and each unit contains one or two films available (C) at the library media center. NOTE: half a dozen student Source Analyses will be assigned as readings for the final TRA and application exercise.

One word of CAUTION: the shortest sources are often more difficult to summarize.

Step 3: Final Product

Expand the three parts of your SAW into a 3-4 page, 12" font double spaced, six paragraph explanatory letter addressed to one of the people mentioned in scenarios for application exercises for the relevant unit.

  • Drawing on your response to A(ii), start with an introductory paragraph that restates the person's issue or concern as stated in the relevant scenario. Also briefly review what you and your team members have already "told" the person in the application exercise responding to that scenario.

  • In your second paragraph, also drawing on your response to A(i), describe the additional source from which you are drawing evidence (**NOT** one assigned for an Appplication Exercise) and its relevance to the person's issue or concern. Highlight the original source title and what kind of source it is (e.g., legend, sutra, personal account, etc.); as well as the composer's name, if known, and what kind of person seems to have composed it. Then use your responses to A(ii) & B to address the person's issue or concern, distinguishing clearly between practices versus the thoughts & feelings that are inspired by and/or heighten those practices.
  • In the third paragraph, drawing on A(iii), describe and cite page numbers for details from the first third of the source that illustrate your overall point(s) based on A(ii) & B, refering explicitly back to the person you are addressing.

    IMPORTANT: If you quote one or more passages from the text, make sure to lead in to and follow up your quotation with a broad summary of what precedes and what follows the passage(s), respectively. (Condense any passage that is longer than 3 sentences, using ellipses ("..."), but make sure to preserve the grammatical integrity of the original.) But note that your description should *WEAVE TOGETHER DETAILS FROM SEVERAL DIFFERENT PAGES WITH YOUR OWN PARAPHRASING* rather than focusing on specific passages.

  • Providing a transition to the fourth paragraph, describe details from the second third of the source that illustrate your overall point(s) based on B(i)-(ii). Do the same again with a transition to the fifth paragraph, details from the final third of the source. In each case, refer explicitly back to the person you are addressing.

  • In the sixth and final paragraph, use the material in section C to give the person you are addressing a broader picture of Buddhist practice. Make sure to include both comparison and contrast with a specific practice from one of the primary sources considered for an Application Exercise from the relevant unit; as always, cite page numbers from your source.

***locate sample Source Analysis in the "Samples" folder of the Assignments tab in SacCT*** (posted by Thursday, 4/3)

**View evaluation rubric for this assignments*


If you would rather use illustrations to make your point, you can condense the content of the first two paragraphs described above and then use sketches to present your evidence to the person addressed. As in the Application Exercises, your poster sketches should:

  • include key words & phrases from your sources integrated with sketches & symbols (NOT separate).
  • distinguish clearly between practices versus the thoughts & feelings that are inspired by and/or heighten those practices.
  • include distinct page numbers where the details you ilustrate are found,
  • be linked to the claim you make in your introductory text.

Due Date

In either case, the final Source Analysis essay must be submitted at the beginning of class on the Tuesday one week following the submission of the SAW (see schedule). You must also post an electronic version by the end of the same day, via the appropriate link in the Assignments tab in SacCT.

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