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ASA = Asian Art (anthology)

IAR = Introduction to Asian Religion (@ library reserve counter)

MOO = Masterpieces of the Orient (anthology)

RAP = Religions of Asia in Practice (anthology)

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Extra Credit Readings, Practices & Terms

In selecting a practice & terms for each unit, most people will be drawn to a practice identified in one of the readings guides and addressed in one of the Application Exercises done in class. Interested students may earn **EXTRA CREDIT**, however, by doing additional reading that either (A) provides additional information about one of the above mentioned practices or (B) describes an entirely different practice not yet considered in class. You can also add points to a TRA score by doing a written analysis of one of these optional sources.

Unit 2

B. Additional Practices NOT Considered in Class

  • using Shang & Zhou dynasty bronze ritual vessels
    "The Nine Tripods" & "Bronze Inscriptions" (ASA, 201-17)
    (reflection: virtue, blessing of Heaven, monumentality)
    (community: Shang dynasty, Wangsun Man, Archer Lord of Jing)
  • composing & studying Zhou dynasty poetry
    "Book of Songs" (MOO, 371-89)
    (reflection: nature, love, Heaven)
    (community: Zhou dynasty, Lord of Ch'i, Duke Liu, Confucius)
  • exorcizing demons in ancient China
    "Spellbinding" (RAP, 376-85) + EB: "Daoism"
    [scroll down to "Early Eclectic Contributions"
    & "Developments Outside the Official Current"]
    (reflection: guei, demon, shen)
    (community: Hubei, hero Yu, Daoism)
  • Chinese translation & study of Buddhist sutras
    "The Scripture in 42 Sections" (RAP, 418-29)
    & IAR, 237-48, Dhammapada (IAR, 368-69)
    (reflection: dao, bodhisattva, shunyata)
    (community: Emperor Huan, Silk Road, Dunhuang, vinaya)
  • composing & reading the medieval story of Laozi
    "Laozi: Ancient Philosopher, Master of Immortality,
    & God" (RAP, 330-41) + EB: Daoism: (p.27-29)
    (reflection: dao, immortality, immortals)
    (community: Zhou dynasty, Hung-Lao Daoists, Ge Hong)
  • communal rites of the Celestial Masters lineage
    IAR, 198-206 OR EB: "Development of the Daoist religion from 2nd-6th century" &
    "Developments under the Tang, Sung & later dynasties"
    & "Daoism Burning" (video) [--> advance to 30:50 - 36:15]
    (reflection: Laozi, dao, celestial worthies, immortals)
    (community: Zhang Daoling, Maoshan, Lingbao, Taiwan)
  • analyzing medieval Chinese literature & painting
    "Rhymeprose on Literature" (MOO, 422-32), "The Six
    Laws of Xie He" (ASA, 242-46), & EB: "Six Dynasties"
    (reflection: vitality, harmony)
    (community: Wu dynasty, Loyang, Six Dynasties)
  • creating & viewing Tang & Song dynasty landscape paintings
    "On Nature & Art" & "Guo Xi's Writings" (ASA, 278-94)
    + "Autumn in a River Valley" & "Early Spring" (paintings by Guo Xi)
    (reflection: truth, nature, dao, mind, Heaven)
    (community: Tang dynasty, Jing Hao, Li Cheng, Song dynasty)
  • Buddhist charitable giving in 6th CE China
    "The Book of Resolving Doubts..." (RAP, 222-36) + IAR, 249-50
    (reflection: dharma, morality, karma)
    (community: Mahayana, Sect of Three Stages)
  • Chinese pilgrimage to Buddhist India
    "selections from A Record of the Buddhist Countries" (ASA, 30-33)
    & "Bathing the Buddha" (RAP, 206-15) + IAR, 121-28, 133-36, 236-48
    (reflection: Buddha, bodhisattva, dharma body)
    (community: Khotan, Faxian, Yijing, Manicintana, Western Regions)
  • Tang & Song dynasty Pure Land practice
    "Death Bed Testimonials" (RAP, 282-92) + IAR, 250-60
    [optional: Pure Land Sutra (web site)
    & Lotus Sutra [excerpts] (IAR, 380-81)]
    (reflection: Amitabha, Pure Land)
    (community: Shandao, Shaokang, Lady Yuego, Mr. Pei)

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