PHIL. 160
Weekly Schedule of
Topics and Readings


Spring Semester 2019

Prof. Dowden






Schedule of topics and readings
(also you should read all the weekly supplementary material within Canvas | Modules):

Week 1: Survey of What Is Ahead.

Reading: Chapters 1 and 2 in the Nolt textbook.

Week 2: Propositional Logic: Syntax and Semantics.

Reading: Chapter 3.

Week 3: Propositional Logic: Proofs.

Reading: Chapter 4.

Week 4: Propositional Logic: Metatheory.

Reading: Browse (i.e., skim) chapter 5.

Week 5: Predicate Logic with Identity and Functions.

Reading: Chapter 6.

Weeks 6-7: Predicate Logic: Semantics, Venn-Euler diagrams.

Reading: Chapter 7.

Weeks 8-9: Inference, Binary Relations, Soundness, Completeness.

Reading: Browse Chapters 8 and 9. Skip 9.4.

Week 10: Undecidability and What Computers Cannot Compute.

Reading: Chapter 10.

Week 11: Formal Systems, Post Production Systems, Robinson Arithmetic, and Non-standard Models.

Reading: See Canvas.

Week 12: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems and Tarski's Undefinability Theorem.

Reading: Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem – An Informal Explanation Of The Argument by Joshua Mozersky .
Viewing: "Gödel and the Nature of Mathematical Truth," by Rebecca Goldstein

Weeks 13-14: Alternative Logics: Modal Logic, Free Logic, Multi-Valued Logic, Relevance Logic, Higher-Order Logic, Fuzzy Logic.

Reading: Chapter 15.2

Optional reading: Kinds of Alternative Logics

Week 15: Review.


The above schedule of course topics may be changed somewhat as we progress through the semester, but these changes, if any, will not affect the schedule of the homeworks and tests. I will be simplifying many of the book chapters; there is much more material there than we can study carefully.







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Updated: April 25, 2019