Create ONE document using Google Docs.
Share it with
Use this ONE document to record rubric scores and constructive comments for all groups

Please use this format when grading the other groups on their final project presentation.

Names of Reviewers:

Group 1
Names of presenters:

Presentation rubric (0-4)

Rubric scores:  A.__, B__, C__, D__, E__, F__, G__.

Lesson Plan rubric: H.__, I__, J__, K__, L__, M__, N__, O__.


Names of Reviewers:

Group 2
Names of presenters:

Presentation rubric (0-4)

Rubric scores:  A.__, B__, C__, D__, E__, F__, G__.

Lesson Plan rubric: H.__, I__, J__, K__, L__, M__, N__, O__.


Names of Reviewers

And so on for groups 3, 4, and 5 on your ONE Google Doc
Remember to share it with

Links to the

final project description

final project lesson plan rubric

final project presentation rubric

Each group will receive a copy of the reviews given by their classmates.
Please take care to write constructive feedback.

