College of Education Forum
An Introduction to College of Education (COE) Forum
The California State University, Sacramento, College of Education (COE) provides an online forum, or discussion board for students located at
The forum is used for scholarly student-to-student communication. Student work posted to the forum is read by all other students in the course and is available via the Internet to the outside world. Therefore, please compose your responses carefully and do your best work, so as to reflect positively upon the the University. Please read and follow these 'core rules' of netiquette found in Virginia Shea's book on Internet Etiquette and remember to use the FAQ page on the forum for answers to specific questions about using the COE forum.
We suggest that you compose your response using a word processing program, such Word or Notepad, and then post a copy to the forum. Composing your response directly within the forum's text editor may result in a loss of work during your first few attempts at posting. Additionally, you may still need to edit your response using the forum's text editor because it has a few little HTML quirks.
Carefully read the instructions for each assignment and double check to see that all questions have been addressed and run spell check one last time before posting.
How to sign-up for the COE Forum
How to participate in the COE Forum
Navigate to
Click New User
Enter your birthdate and click Submit Birth Date.
Fill in the requested information and be sure to record your Login Name and Password
on the account sheet or somewhere! Do not lose it!!
Click Submit when finished.
Type your first name, underscore (shift hyphen) and the first letter of your last name.
Display name
Type your first name, underscore (shift hyphen) and the first letter of your last name.
Use a combination of lowercase letters and numbers, NO SPACES.
Record your username and password on the account information sheet.
Email Address
Use a web based (Internet accessible) email address.
Click Submit.
Account confirmation will be sent to your email address.
Your account confirmation will be emailed to you.
Check your email in a few minutes....
How to participate in the COE Forum
To Participate in the Forum:
Go to
Click on Login

Enter your Login Name and Password
Click Login
Once you are logged in, scroll way down to Teacher Education
Click on EDTE233 - Fall 2007 - Dibble
Under Subject, click on the assignment title
Read the assignment directions.
We suggest that you formulate your response using a word processing program or text editor and then paste it into the ‘Post’ box. You may type directly into the ‘Post’ box but you run the risk of losing your work due to unforeseen glitches in the system.
When you are ready to post a response click ‘Reply’.
When you are satisfied with your written reply, click Continue, proof read your post, then click Continue again and your post will be entered on the forum. You have a limited amount of time to edit your post. See the FAQ for the specific amount of time provided for editing.
proof read, then click continue again
Your post will be entered on the COE Forum and your classmates will be able to respond to your post by clicking 'Reply' as above.
Joyce Dibble
Students will need an e-mail account and computer access to the Web. All Sacramento State students enrolled in one or more units can create a SacLink account for e-mail. Although a home computer with Internet access running Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator would be beneficial, students can access the Internet from one of the campus student labs. Check out System Check and Computer Hardware Recommendations for more information about equipment.
Last updated: 09/26/2007