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Bio 109: Biology of Dinosaurs
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Updated: January 23, 2025

Lecture: T, Thurs 4-5:15pm [Offered In PERSON ONLY] Humboldt 202
Lab: no lab
Prerequisite: none
Scheduling: Currently Spring 2025; then Spring 2026 (maybe in summer).
Units: 3
Website: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/c/colemanr/courses/bio109/bio109.html

Syllabus: WordPerfect document PDF (older versions, but similar)

Catalog description:

BIO 109. Biology of Dinosaurs. Introduction to the biology of the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs came in a vast array of shapes and sizes and exemplify biodiversity. This course will examine the dinosaurs in an evolutionary framework, discussing their origin, the major lineages, phylogeny and what they look like today. The course will take advantage of the recent surge in scientific investigations into the biology of dinosaurs, such as parental care, sexual selection, group living, flight and feathers. Does not count toward the Biological Sciences Major. 2. Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0.

Fastovsky & Weishampel 4th Edition

Text: Fastovsky, D.E. and D.B. Weishampel. (2021) Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History. Fourth Edition.Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-108-46929-6

Term Paper:

Handout: pdf


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