Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:50 p.m., Eureka Hall 107
(Information Systems II) provides
an introduction to structured programmingconcepts, data structures for information
representation, and databasemanagement systems. Prerequisite: Graduate
standing and admittance to the MSBA/MIS (including pre-MSBA/MIS) or
MBA/MCAP program (not including pre-MBA).
Class List
Handouts|Exam Essay Questions|
Class Notes|Assignments|
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Required Textbooks:
- C++ for Business Programming, John
C. Molluzzo. Prentice Hall (1999)
- Database Systems: A Practical Approach
to Design, Implementation, and Management, 3rd ed., Thomas Connolly and
Carolyn Begg. Addison Wesley (2002)
Optional Textbooks:
- A Guide to Oralce8, Joline Morrison
and Mike Morrison. Course Technology (2000). (Note. When purchased through
the University Bookstore, this book comes with the installation CDs for the
Windows98 version of Oracle8i and Developer.)
- Simple Program Design: A Step-by-Step
Approach, 2nd ed., Lesley Anne Robertson. Course Technology (1994).
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Exam Essay Questions
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Class Notes (Compressed, self-extracting files)
- Week 1 (Updated: Jan. 30, 2002) File organizations and access methods
- Week 2 (Updated: Feb. 6, 2002) B+ trees, programming, intro to C++
- Week 3 (Updated: Feb. 13, 2002) Software development: life cycle vs. prototyping, program design, C++ programming: loops, decisions and arguments
- Week 4 (Updated: Feb. 20, 2002) C++ programming: loops, decisions; functions, arguments and return values; coupling and cohesion; arrays
- Week 5 (Updated: Feb. 27, 2002) C++ programming: arrays, OO programming
FYI Magic card trick! Download and extract
- Week 6 (Updated: March 5, 2002) C++ programming: OO; array processing: searches and sorts; data types
- Week 7 (Updated: March 13, 2002) Database vs. file-based systems, database environment, relational data model
- Week 8 (Updated: March 19, 2002) Database environment, relational data model, relational calculus and algebra
- Week 9 (Updated: April 3, 2002) Relational algebra, SQL
- Week 10 (Updated: April 10, 2002) SQL, subqueries, views, updating the database, and host variables and dynamic SQL
Example tables Dump (dmp) file with the manufacturers and products tables used in the class notes
- Week 11 (Updated: April 16, 2002) SQL and updating the database, host variables and dynamic SQL, database planning, ER modeling, data normalization
- Week 12 (Updated: April 23, 2002) Homework 6 review, physical database design, beyond 3NF, EERD
- Week 13 (Updated: May 1, 2002) Physical database design, beyond 3NF, EERD, OO and OR database
- Week 14 (Updated: May 8, 2002) OO and OR database

Twin Beams of Light
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- H1 (Updated: Feb. 13, 2002) C++ programming: reading a file, writing a record
Data file (Updated: Feb. 8, 2002)
Screen Cam (Updated: Feb. 8, 2002) Intro to Visual C++
Warning! This file is approximately 1.3 MB and uncompresses to approximately 10 MB.
- H2 (Updated: Feb. 20, 2002) C++ programming: functions
- H3 (Updated: Feb. 26, 2002) C++ programming: OO programming and arrays
Videos data file
- H4 (Updated: March 5, 2002) C++ programming: OO programming and searches
Stock numbers data file
- H5 (Updated: March 28, 2002) Oralce and SQL
Control and dump files
Screen Cam Introduction to Oracle8i Warning This file is approximate 12.5 MB and uncompresses to 51.8 MB.
Using Oracle9i Power Point file: Starting the database, SQL Plus and Developer
- H6 (Updated: April 16, 2002) Data normalization and ERD
- H7 (Updated: April 16, 2002) Oracle Report Builder
Dump file (Updated: April 16, 2002) Optional Contains the comp_products, comp_manufacturers and product_lines tables
Screen Cam Creating a tabular report in Report Builder Warning This file is approximately 7.7 MB and uncompresses to two files that are approximately 18.0 and 19.2 MB
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Windows Platforms
Note: Windows 2000 requires the NT version of Oracle8i
(either the Enterprise or Personal Edition), and XP Oracle9i.
Windows ME users need to install the Windows98 version. Please visit the following web sites for further installation instructions: and
Do NOT install Oracle (either Developer or Oracle8i) until you have read these bulletins!
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