Tuesday, 6:00-8:50 p.m., Brighton Hall 104
Current topics will be presented regarding the technical, managerial, and organization considerations of electronic commerce. Topics may include Internet technologies and architecture, web site design and business strategies. Additional topics presented by guest speakers include enterprise resource planning, e-commerce economics, enterprise system justification, and enterprise system auditing. Readings, topical research, and/or projects will be required. Prerequisite: MIS 150, MIS 160. 3 units.
Exam Essay Questions|Handouts|
Class Notes|Assignments|
[ FYI ]
Required Textbook:
- Electronic Commerce from Vision to Fulfillment, Elias M. Awad. Prentice Hall (2002).
Syllabus (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Exam Essay Questions (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Handouts (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Class Notes (Compressed 'zipped' files)
- Week 2 (Updated: Sept. 9, 2003) e-Commerce vs. e-Business
- Week 3 (Updated: Sept. 16, 2003) Building an e-Business
- Week 4 (Updated: Sept. 23, 2003) e-Gov
- Week 5 (Updated: Sept. 30, 2003) Designing a web site
- Week 6 (Updated: Oct. 7, 2003) 9 elements of a web site, evaluation and usability
- Week 7 (Updated: Oct. 14, 2003) Web site design: Site plan
- Week 8 (Updated: Oct. 21, 2003) Strategies and designs
E-commerce Web Site Design: Strategies and Model (Adobe PDF file)
- Week 9 (Updated: Oct. 28, 2003) Payments
- Week 10 No class
- Week 11 Mr. Steve Scott of VSP, guest speaker. TAH-1026 at 6:00
- Week 12 (Updated: Nov. 18, 2003) CRM, B2B e-Commerce
- Week 14 (Updated: Dec. 5, 2003) KPMG presentation

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Assignments (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
- Homework 1 (Updated: Sept. 22, 2003) Creating a vision statement and strategic plan
- Homework 2 (Updated: Oct. 14, 2003) Web site plan
- Homework 3 (Updated: Nov. 11, 2003) Web site prototype
- Peer Evaluations (Updated: Dec. 5, 2003) Complete and bring to class on Tuesday, Dec. 16.

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