Thursday, 6:00-8:50 p.m., Tahoe Hall 1004
Development of computer-based applications that support decision making on the tactical and strategic levels. Emphases on business modeling, data access, interface development, and other advanced information technology techniques for decision support. Prerequisite: MIS 150. 3 units.
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Required Textbook:
- Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 6th edition, Turban and Aronson. Prentice Hall (2001).
Syllabus (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Exam Essay Questions (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Exam 1 (updated April 15)
Final exam (updated May 13)
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Handouts (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
Class Notes
Compressed Powerpoint files. Download and unzip.
- Week 1 Intro to decision making and the organization, Simon's decision-making model, CSF, intro to DSS
- Week 2 Recap of last week, DSS defined
- Week 3 Recap of last week, DSS for ski resort planning, data warehouses and data mining, OLAP, GIS
- Week 4 Recap of last week, 'Are DSS effective?', modeling, GSS
- Week 5 Recap of last week, GSS, EIS
- Week 6 Recap of last week, GSS, EIS
- Week 7 KM, AI, expert systems
- Week 8 KM and org absorptive capacity, expert systems, knowledge acquisition
- Week 9 Knowledge acquisition and representation
- Week 10 SAS decision trees, neural networks
- Week 11 Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms
- Week 13 Intelligent agents
- Week 14 Implementation of MSS
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Assignments (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
- H1 Oracle, SQL Plus and SQL.
Dump file This file contains the tables for H1. Download and save to your computer before unzipping.
Oracle documentation Format masks (models).
- H2 Intro to Oracle Discoverer.
Dump file This file contains the tables for H2. Download and save to your computer before unzipping.
- H3 Intro to Oracle Discoverer Graphics.
- H6 Expert system

Exsys Compressed file.
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