Programming with a fourth generation
language (4GL) in both a mainframeand microcomputer environment. Emphasis
on end-user development and control of information resources. Interface of
4GL with database and third generationlanguage. Prerequisite Successful
completion of MIS 150 or MIS 211/approved equivalent (graduate students).
Note. A prerequisite is NOT the same as a co-requisite.
Note. A solid database
background is strongly recommended. Assignments
involve developing applications that interact with an Oracle database via
embedded SQL commands. Knowledge and understanding of normalization is required.
If you are weakin this area, you might consider taking either MIS 124 or 122.
[ Syllabus
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Textbook: Guide to Oracle9i, Joline Morrison and Mike Morrison. Thompson
Course Technology (2003). ISBN: 0-619-15959-6. Purchase this book
through or Barnes & Noble.
See the Oracle
web page for instructions on installing Oracle9i and Developer. Developer
must be installed before Oracle9i. Otherwise, you will need to uninstall
Oracle9i before installing Developer. The installation CDs may be borrowed
through the library's Reserve Book Room.
Class Notes
- Week 1 Introduction (updated: Jan. 25)
- Week 2 Oracle Forms (updated: Feb. 1)
- Week 3 Principles of good design (updated: Feb. 8)
See Oracle Forms videos: Intro to Forms, Property Classes, and Menus and Alerts
- Week 4 Oracle Forms: LOV and OLE (updated: Feb. 15)
- Week 5 Oracle Forms: OLE, handling errors, and anatomy of a report (updated: Feb. 22)
- Week 6 Oracle Reports: types of reports, master-detail report (updated: March 1)
- Week 7 SQL: Chronological sort, SUBSTRing, ROUND; Dynamic SQL: host and lexical reference variables; Overview: Drill-down, roll-up reports
(updated: March 8)
- Week 8 Launching a Report from Forms (updated: March 19)
- Week 8 Matrix and drill-down/roll-up reports (updated: March 22)
- Week 9 Graphs and Graphics Builder (updated: March 29)
- Week 10 Subquery and thresholds, Oracle Graphics and Forms (updated: April 5)
- Week 11 Graphs with lexical reference variables and list boxes (updated: April 12)
- Week 12 Embedding a drill-down graph in a form, EIS (updated: April 19)
Warning: This file is approx. 2.3 MB
- Week 13 Pseudo drill-down graphs (updated: April 26)
- Homework 1 SQL and Oracle9i (updated: Jan. 24)
Dump file - Zip file that contains H1.dmp
- P1 - Oracle Forms (updated: Feb. 1)
Scorecard (updated: Feb. 10)
- P2 - Oracle Forms and Canvases (updated: Feb. 13)
CD sales table Contains the cd_sales_00_05 table. Use Oracle Importer(IMP) to load the table into your database (see Oracle video). (updated: Feb. 12)
Scorecard (updated: Feb. 22)
- P3 - Oracle Reports and master/detail report (updated: Feb. 28)
- P4 - Oracle Reports and drill-down/roll-up reports (updated: March 21)
Matrix Report (updated: April 3)
- P5 - Oracle Graphics and Forms (updated: March 21)

- P6 - Oracle Developer and EIS (updated: April 19)

Supplemental References
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