History 161
California State
University, Sacramento
College of Arts and Letters
Spring 2002
Why take this course
Benefits of Online
Student Characteristics
Catalog Description:
List prerequisite courses
or other requirements.
Number of Units: 3
Add any other general information
you think students might be interested in knowing about the course.
take this course
Information why students
would want or need to take this course.

Students will need an electronic
mail account and computer access to the Web. All CSUS students enrolled
in one or more units can create a SacLink
account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home computer
with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer would
be beneficial, students can use the Web from one of the campus
student labs. Check out Computer
Hardware Recommendations for CSU, Sacramento Students for more information
about equipment.
Comfortable using the computer and
browsing the Web
Windows compatible Pentium running
Windows NT,or Windows 95/98 or Macintosh compatible with System
28.8K or faster modem - preferably
Microsoft Internet Explorer or NetScape
4.0 (or higher)
SacLink or other Internet Account
Word processing skills
Online class participation on the
Web assignments and electronic discussions.

Benefits of Online Learning
- Flexible
Scheduling: Students
generally work full-time, many have family responsibilities, and many
live a distance from campus. Being able to complete selected course
units from home or work without attending weekly classes should be
a major convenience.
- Enhanced
Learning: Time
saved traveling to and from campus (and looking for parking) can be
redirected to learning!
- Adult
Learners: As
highly motivated learners, students can actively pursue areas of greatest
interest rather than sit through lectures aimed at the whole group.
- Increased
Interaction with Classmates:
Web-based communication tools can actually increase interaction among
students by permitting group work that would be difficult to arrange
if students had to meet in the same place at the same time.
- Virtual
Office Hours:
Electronic communication between students and the instructor can actually
increase the degree of our interaction, since you can e-mail me at
your convenience, rather than find time to get to my office or reach
me by phone.
- The
Web's the Limit (not the instructor):
The World Wide Web has a wealth of resources from which you can learn
a great deal more than I can teach you. Everywhere, the role of the
faculty is being reconceptualized as that of "coach" rather than "instructor".
Students are perfectly suited to take advantage of coaching to get
out of the course what will be of most value to them.
- Electronic
Competency on the Job:
The competence
in dealing with electronic environments that you develop in this course
will be of great value to you in your workplace.

Successful Student Characteristics
- Discipline to complete
projects by deadlines instead of waiting until the end of the semester.
- Motivation to read, write,
and participate fully in class activities.
- Time to devote approximately
9 hours a week to a 3-credit course.
- Ability to work independently
and in teams.
- Flexibility in dealing
with technology problems.

More information is
available on Professor Campbell's homepage. You may
contact the instructor via e-mail at campbell@csus.edu.
