Impromptu Speaking Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to experience thinking and speaking with very little preparation.
You will be given two topics from which to choose. They will most likely take the form of X versus Y. You might, for instance, be asked to speak on "cats versus dogs" or "San Francisco versus Los Angeles." You will have the freedom to interpret the topic as you wish, as long as you address the general topic.
You may use one 3" X 5" index to write a few notes. You will have no more than 3 minutes to prepare and speak, so plan on having no more than 30 seconds to sit and think about the topic and about 2 1/2 minutes to speak.
The criteria that you will be judged on include:
---organization of your speech
---appropriateness of your analysis to the topic
---your verbal and nonverbal delivery skills
Try your best to keep us engaged as you address the topic and remember to be a good audience member as you listen to your classmates.
You will also be asked to provide at least one written critique of a classmate’s performance.
This assignment will be worth 25 points toward your final grade.