ComS 152—Freedom of Speech

Prof. Burnett

Current Controversy Assignment


This is a fairly straightforward assignment.  You are asked to pick a topic area that represents a current controversy in the field of free speech and the First Amendment.  Write an essay of approximately 3000 words (12-15 typewritten pages) in which you discuss:       



This assignment requires research to substantiate your claims and analysis.  A minimum of five internet and five non-internet-based sources is required for the paper.  The paper must be typed and conform to either the MLA or APA style sheet.


There are three dates you need to remember in regard to this assignment.


October 31—turn in a one page memo in which you describe in some detail the paper you intend to write and some of the relevant sources with which you are working.


November 26—(optional) turn in a draft of your paper to Burnett and receive comments back on December 3.  Strongly recommended!!


December 12—last day of class, pick up the take home final and turn in your Current Controversy paper.


A note on choosing a topic:  Be sure that the matter you are interested in researching is still controversial…that is, one that has not been finally settled with a landmark Supreme Court case.  I am asking you to look at emerging issues, ones in which there are still developments at hand and still some disagreement about how they should be resolved.  This is a PARTIAL list of POSSIBLE topics.


Book banning

Secondary effects doctrine in porn cases

Banning gang colors

Banning tobacco advertising

Sexual harassment and the first Amendment

Zoning and porn

The stars and bars--Confederate flag

Hate speech/hate crimes

Paparazzi laws

Censoring art/Guiliani incident

Limits on Campaign contributions

Music labelling/censorship

Abortion picketing

Removing citizens from council meetings

Hamidi v. Intel--limiting access to email

Internet threats

Nude dancing

Limiting prisoner access to the media

Union speech and nonmember dues

Filtered web access at public libraries

Crush video bans

Matt Hale and his license to practice law

KKK adopt-a-highway efforts

Restrictions on cable porn channels

Low powered radio/micro-broadcasting

Television ratings

Banning adult magazines on miltary bases/prisons

Using student fees for political purposes

Spam as protected speech

Violence in movies and free speech

Police blotter data

Profane bumper stickers

The V Chip

The Clipper Chip

Scientology and the web

Son of Sam laws

Body piercing as free expression

Speech codes

Dress codes

SLAPP suits

Dead celebrity bills

Food desecration laws/Oprah and the beef industry

Sampling rap lyrics and copyright