Diego Bonilla, Ph.D.


California State University, Sacramento ● Mendocino Hall 5011 ● 6000 J Street ● Sacramento, CA 95819

+1 916.273.8273 ● diego@csus.eduwww.hypergraphia.com



Languages: Spanish, English

Programming and authoring skills: Hypermedia, 3D modeling, Digital Video/Image/Sound.


Research Interests: Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media Engineering, Digital Storytelling, Data Tracking, Online Learning, Immersive Virtual Environments, Critical Thinking in Electronic Informational Environments





Ph.D. in Mass Communications   (Doctoral Prize)                                            August 1998- June 2003

S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University ● Syracuse, NY

Dissertation: The Medium is the Measure of Itself. Using tracking data for deductive and inductive analysis of the users of an interactive experience and their behavior.


M.S. in Media Management                                                                               August 1996- May 1998

Joint Degree (School of Public Communication and Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University)


B.A. in Business Administration                                                                         August 1989- May 1995

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Mexico City, Mexico                  

·         Summer 1991: University of California, Los Angeles ● Los Angeles, CA

·         1993-1994: Simon Fraser University ● British Columbia, Canada 


Work Experience


Communication Studies Department - California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, CA

  Professor                                                                                                                  2011-Present

  Digital Communication and Information Minor Coordinator                                  2011-Present

  Associate Professor                                                                                                  2006 – 2011

  Assistant Professor                                                                                                   2001 – 2006

·         Developed the Digital Communication and Information Minor (6 courses) for the instruction of ICT Literacy for Higher Education (2011)

·         Graduate Course: Computer-Mediated Communications  (Developed and taught first course)

·         Undergraduate Courses: Human Communication on the Internet, New Media and Society, Digital Media Creation, Information Management and Privacy, Online Collaboration, Advanced Multimedia Authoring, Communication and American Culture, International Communications and Project Planning and Management.

·         Coordinator, CSUS Teaching Institute (2008 - 2009): Implemented technology training institute for faculty with a specific focus on Hybrid/Online Classes, Universal Design, and Large Class Instruction. Duties include: Recruitment and selection of faculty members and mentors, hardware/software procurement, curriculum development and mentor training in learning styles and assistive technology.

·         Faculty Mentor, Center for Teaching and Learning (2005 – 2007, 2010 – 2011):  Mentor faculty members on pedagogical solutions to improve their instructional efficacy and efficiency through the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies.

·         Presentations regarding the use of IMeet: (2010 – 2011) synchronous online teaching environment, eAcademy


Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico City, MX

   Profesor                                                                                                                   2012


World Agroforestry Centre Nairobi, Kenya

   Consultant                                                                                                               2009 – 2011

·         Developing the Computer-Mediated Communication strategy and methods for virtual communications among scientists of the Amazon basin countries; coordinating “Amazonian Dialogues” events online with the participation of scholars and NGOs; producing interactive videos for training researchers in the use of STATA; making recommendations about the design and implementation of a Geographic Information System; and coordinating synchronous online training sessions in grant-writing for researchers of the Amazon.  Iniciativa Amazónica Wiki.

·         Provide capacity building support to the World Agroforestry Centre staff and advisors to improve the organization’s ability to facilitate researchers’ collaboration across multiple countries.


S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications - Syracuse University Syracuse, NY


  Adjunct Professor                                                                                            August 1999 - May 2001

·         Undergraduate-Graduate Course: Communicating with Computers

·         Undergraduate Course: Critical Issues in Visual Media


El Nacional Newspaper Mexico City, Mexico


  Weekly Columnist/Information Technology Analyst                                      October 1996 - June 1997

·         Produced weekly column focusing on the Internet and society.

·         Consultant for the deployment of El Nacional's online presence.


Hypergraphia Mexico City, Mexico


  Owner and Director                                                                                          January 1995 - August 1996

·         Created third Internet-related company in Mexico.  (See historical sites here: 1996, 1997, 1998)

·         Provided Internet services, including website design, consulting, planning, and deployment.


Pendulo Magazine Mexico City, Mexico     


  Founder/Editor                                                                                                  March 1992 - August 1996

·         Managed all editorial and financial functions for Mexico’s first online literary magazine, including the magazine’s transition from paper to digital format.


Regularizacion y Actualizacion Academica School Mexico City, Mexico


  Owner and Director                                                                                          October 1989 - November 1991

·         Developed and managed tutoring company that provided 1-1 assistance to students ranging in ages from 12-18.  Duties included: teacher and student recruitment, bookkeeping and individual tutoring.

·         Tutored students in mathematics (calculus and below), statistics and physics.


Research, Scholarly and Artistic Activities




·         Bonilla, D. (2008) Making Sense of Tracking Data: Connecting Interactive Storytelling, Computer Use and Cognitive Processing. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller e.K.

·         Bonilla, D. & Del Toro, J.J. (1996) Mercadotecnia e Imagen en Internet. (Marketing on the Internet.) Mexico City, Mexico: Editorial Iberoamerica.

·         Bonilla, D. (1992) El Anfiteatro de la Memoria. (Amphitheater of the Memory.) Mexico City, Mexico: Editorial Praxis.

Online Learning and Pedagogy

·         Bonilla, D. (2013) Curriculum for an Information and Communications Technology literacy program for higher education. 16th Annual CSU Teaching Symposium: Teaching for High Impact, The California Maritime Academy, California State University.

·         Bonilla, D. (2013) Developing teaching strategies for real time online teaching environments. 16th Annual CSU Teaching Symposium, Teaching for High Impact, The California Maritime Academy, California State University.

·         Stoner, M., Higgins, S. & Bonilla, D. (2012) Cracking our own codes: Creating instruction for increased clarity and appropriate control. International Journal of Learning, 18, (6), 228-247.

·         Bonilla, D. (2008-Present) Digital Media Primer

o   Created and constantly updated 25 class-length interactive multimedia lessons to teach students Digital Media Creation, An Introduction.  The lessons include the use of Creative Common licensed media repositories, the use of multimedia authoring open source and proprietary cross-platform software, and the use of collaborative management systems (Wikis) that fosters collaboration among students.

·         Bonilla, D. (2006) Functional Director

o   Created 22 class-length interactive multimedia lessons to teach students advanced multimedia authoring using Director MX 2004: Functional Director Showcase Video.

o   Selected for an interview about the pedagogical uses of the e-learning lessons by the Center for Distributed Learning for the California State University System: Functional Director Interview Segments.

·         Bonilla, D. (2002) LINGO by Osmosis 

o   Created interactive multimedia tutorials that were used to facilitate learning in Communicating with Computers, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University


New Media


·         Bonilla, D. (In progress) Stopper. A hypermedia modular movie. Syracuse – Sacramento.

o   Development of software technology to construct audiovisual narratives (see A Space of Time) of variable length and with a granular advertising structure. Syracuse-Sacramento.

·         Bonilla, D. & Del Toro, J.J. (Submitted to competition) Liber Rotavi. Variaciones de la Creación. Hypermedia project that presents the writings of a poet in different ways at different times of the day, representing different mental states of the writer.

·         Bonilla, D. & Mata, R. (Oct, 2013) Poesía Densa Juan José Tablada. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM: Mexico. Online publication with ISBN. Re-development of a hypertext system to identify the use of words by single authors in large volumes of text.

·         Bonilla, D. (2012) Nuevos medios, nuevas narrativas. Semana de la Comunicación, 40 Aniversario de la Facultad de Comunicación. Universidad de la Sabana, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

·         Bonilla, D. (2012) Más allá del hipertexto: Creación y presentación de textos variables. Segundo Simposio Internacional del Libro Electrónico en Español, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Mexico City, México.

·         Bonilla, D. (2012) Translating new media theories into practical advice. American Medical Writers Association, Sacramento. CA

·         Bonilla, D. (2012) Stopper. Presented 15 minute version of modular film for UNite, SacState Faculty Arts Showcase, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA

·         Bonilla, D. (2012) El nuevo prestidigitador. Article and video production. Revista Digital Universitaria, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

·         Bonilla, D. (2011) El nuevo prestidigitador. Estrategias nativas para la creación en hipermedios: (Keynote presentation) II Encuentro Internacional de Publicaciones Digitales Culturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM, México.

·         Bonilla, Diego. (2011) Stopper. Conceptualizing story as media database. Presentation. Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

·         Bonilla, D. (2011) Production factors and algorithmic methods for the construction of combinatorial cinematic narratives: International Conference on Latin American Cybercultural Studies. Exploring New Paradigms and Analytical Approaches, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.

·         Bonilla, D.  & Porto Renó, D. (2009) Cinema Interactivo: Estudios Para Una Posible Propuesta (Interactive Cinema: Inquiries into the Potential)  Part I & Part II Barcelona, Spain: Guion Actualidad, Universidad Autónoma De Barcelona 

·         Bonilla, D. et al. (2004)  Jose Juan Tablada Poesia Densa (Jose Juan Tablada Dense Poetry) Mexico City, Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas y Publicaciones Digitales, DGSCA, UNAM

o   Developed a reading system in which all of the words in a large volume of text are hyperlinked to themselves so the reader can discover an author's use of language.

·         Bonilla, D. (2003) A Space of time. Sacramento, CA: Hypergraphia, LLC (See Awards and Honors)

o   Non-linear multimedia movie composed of 700 videos, 180 virtual reality panoramas, 105 audio fragments and 18 Flash animations.  Users are able to view two versions of the story:

§  Stream of Consciousness: Statistical formulas control the chronological placement of each segment creating a different story each time the movie is played.

§  Limbo: By participating in an immersive multimedia (photographic quality) experience, users are able to navigate the story’s virtual environment and choose to view individual segments.

o   Official selection of the following festivals:

§  VideoBrasil International Electronic Art Festival (Brazil, 2005)

§  European Media Arts Festival (Germany, 2004)

§  Basics Festival (Austria, 2004)

§  Media Arts Festival (Netherlands, 2004)

§  Philadelphia Documentary and Fiction Festival (USA, 2004)

§  Toronto Online Film Festival (Canada, 2004)

§  New Forms Festival (Canada, 2004)

§  Arte Digital: Poeticas y lenguajes (Cuba, 2004)

§  Artronica (Columbia, 2004)

§  Viper Basel (Switzerland, 2004)

·         Exhibition: Bonilla, D. & Clarke, R. Bio Electric Dot, University Union Gallery (2002): A collaborative computer art exhibition exploring the effects of new communication technology in human relationships.


Included in Anthologies



·         Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. (2000)  Generacion 2000. Literatura mexicana hacia el tercer milenio. Poesia-Narrative-Ensayo (Generation 2000. Mexican Literature towards the third millennium. Poetry-Narrative-Essay.) Mexico City, Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.

·         Editorial Praxis. (1994) En Concreto. (To the Point.) Mexico City, Mexico: Editorial Praxis





Refereed Conference Papers


·         Bonilla, D. (2005) The structure as narrative. The use of statistical algorithms for the control of non-linear hypermedia narratives: V Bienal Iberoamericana de la Comunicación, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México. México.

·         Bonilla, Diego (2003) Development of a tracking device for statistical inference using the General Linear Model and Time Series Analysis: New research for new media. Institute for New Media Studies. School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota. MN

·         Bonilla, Diego (2002) Asymptote: A non-linear multimedia experience: The Dynamics of Convergent Media. College of Mass Communications & Information Studies, University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC


Subject of Conference Paper


Grants, Awards and Honors


Research and Academic


·         Pedagogy Enhancement Award (2010): Award recipient to develop a software solution to enhance the educational potential of “podcastings” by implementing interactive informational functionalities to the streaming media. California State University, Sacramento.

·         American Council on Education Internationalization Collaborative Mini-Grant Award (2006): Recipient of American Council on Education grant to develop innovative learning projects using technology. The objective of the grant is to internationalize course curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of learning outcomes and accelerate the impact of internationalization.

·         Ford Foundation McGannon Center Scholarship (2005): Scholarship to participate in the Academic Brain Trust group as part of the National Conference for Media Reform.

·         Doctoral Prize, Syracuse University (2004)

·         All University Fellowship, Syracuse University (1998-2001)




o   Honorable Mention: XV Videobrasil International Electronic Art Festival. Brazil, 2005

o   1st Prize, Internet/Multimedia Category: XXVI Moscow International Film Festival. Russia, 2004

o   Art Direction Award: Philadelphia Documentary and Fiction Festival. Pennsylvania, June 2004

o   Interview: INSIGHT, Capital Public Radio: Discussion. February 2005. Sacramento, CA.




·         Generation 2000: Selected among other Mexican writers to participate in commemorative government anthology: Generation 2000. Mexican Literature Towards the Third Millennium. Poetry-Narrative-Essay. Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. 2000.




Access Sacramento Sacramento, CA                                                                                             2009

Board of Directors

·         Co-authored grant application to the Knight Foundation’s News Challenge Grant Program. Out of a total of 2500 applications, Access Sacramento’s application for the South Sacramento Neighborhood News Bureau has made it to the final round of consideration. 

·         Participated in Access Sacramento’s Board efforts to incorporate new media into its organizational structure.


Educational Testing Services Princeton, New Jersey                                                                  2007, 2009

 Cut Score Committee member


California Emerging Technology Fund Sacramento, CA                                                             2007-2009


  ICT Digital Literacy Leadership Roundtable and Sacramento Broadband Roundtable participant

·         Serve on Leadership Roundtable and provide advice on a Digital Literacy Curriculum and corresponding statewide public policy.


La Red INAV Universidad de Medellin Medellin, Columbia                                                  2006-Present



  Founding Member and Current Participant