Fishes Bio 11 Avery


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Table of Contents

Fishes Bio 11 Avery

I. Ancestry

I. Ancestry

II. Jawless Fishes - Agnathans

B. Class Myxini - The Hagfishes

B. Class Myxini - The Hagfishes

C. Class Cephalaspidomorphi - The Lampreys

C. Class Cephalaspidomorphi - The Lampreys

III. Class Chondrichthyes - Cartilaginous Fishes

A. Subclass Elasmobranchii - Sharks and Rays

2. Characteristics

Shark reproduction:

3. Electric fish!

B. Chimaeras - (Subclass Holocephali)

IV. Class Osteichthyes - Bony Fishes

A. Subclass Actinopterygii - Ray-finned Fishes

2. Characteristics

B. Sublcass Sarcopterygii - Fleshy-finned Fishes

2. Lungfish

V. Adaptations of Fishes

B. Locomotion

C. Neutral Buoyancy

D. Respiration

E. Excretion

F. Selected Life Cycles

E. Selected Life Cycles

VI. Eyewitness Fish!

Author: William E. Avery


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