Amphibians Bio 11 Avery


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Table of Contents

Amphibians Bio 11 Avery

I. Herpetology

II. Amphibians Characteristics

B. General

Notes on Glands:


Lateral line system:

4. Large mouth with small teeth, two nostrils open into back of mouth

6. Ectothermic

III. Amphibian Evolution

B. Challenges of ecological transition – aquatic to terrestrial

C. Stegocephalians

D. Ancient amphibians

E. Evolution of the modern orders

IV. Diversity - three orders

A. Urodela

A. Urodela - characterisics

PPT Slide

California genera:

B. Anura

B. Anura - characteristics

What is the difference between a frog and a “toad?”

3. Development usually indirect

Basic Pattern:

PPT Slide


C. Gymnophiona (Apoda) - caecelians, 160 spp. All tropical

C. Gymnophiona - characteristics

V. Ecological Physiology

B. A cost benefit analysis

C. Small bodied herps become very important to the ecosystem

VI. Amphibians in peril

Author: William E. Avery


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