Contact Information
Name: Andrea Venezia
Title: Associate Professor, Public Policy & Admin; Executive Director, Institute for Higher Ed Leadership & Policy
Office Location: Tahoe Hall 3040
Email: venezia@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-4944
Mailing Address: Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, Tahoe Hall 3040, CA 95819-6043
Office Hours: By appointment
Ph.D. The Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin. Public Policy.
M.A. Stanford University, Stanford, California. Administration and Policy Analysis in Higher Education.
B.A. Pomona College, Claremont, California. English Literature.
Research Skills and Interests
Skills: applied research, research design/methods, policy development and implementation, public speaking, writing for a variety of audiences, student voices research, technical assistance to schools and colleges, and qualitative research.
Main professional interest: postsecondary readiness and success for traditionally underserved students.
Courses I teach
- Fall: Public Policy and Administration 205: Research Methods
Books and Chapters
Venezia, A. and Hughes, K., eds. 2014. "Applying the Completion Agenda to Practice," working title, New Directions for Community Colleges, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
McGaughy, C. and Venezia, A. 2015. Supporting the College Dream, working title, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Venezia, A. and Hughes, K. 2014. "Acceleration Strategies in a New Developmental Education Landscape," in The College Completion Agenda: Practical Approaches for Reaching the Big Goal, Horowitz and Phillips, eds., New Directions for Community Colleges, San Francisco, CA; Jossey-Bass.
Venezia, A. and Jaeger, L. 2013. ""Transitions from High School to College," in Postsecondary Education in the United States, The Future of Children, edited by Barrow, L., Brock, T., and Rouse, C., a collaboration of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution.
Venezia, A. 2008. “Between High School and College: Can Multiple Pathways Bridge the Divide?” in Oakes, J. and Saunders, M., Eds. Beyond Tracking, Multiple Pathways to college, Career and Civic Participation, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hoffman, N., Vargas, J. Venezia, A, and Miller, M., editors. 2007 Minding the Gap: Why Integrating High School with College Makes Sense and How to Do It, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Kirst, M. and A. Venezia, editors. 2004. From High School to College, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kirst, M. and A. Venezia. 2004. “The Case for Improving Connections Between K-16 Schools and Colleges: Improving Access to Postsecondary Education,” in Kazis, R., J. Vargas, and N. Hoffman, editors, Double the Numbers: Increasing Postsecondary Credential Attainment for Underserved Youth, Boston, MA: Jobs for the Future.
Other Publications
Venezia, A. 2014. "Tracking Common Core Implementation in California," in Social Policy Report, a publication of the Society of Research in Child Development, Volume 28, Number 2, pp.16-17.
Venezia, A. 2014. "Building Blocks for College Completion: Deeper Learning and Engagement," Next Generation Learning Challenge, www.nextgenlearning.org.
Dadgar, M., Venezia, A., Nodine, T., and Bracco, K. 2013. “Providing More Structure for Community College Students,” working title, San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Dadgar, M., Nodine, T., Bracco, K. and Venezia, A. 2013. “Integrating Student Supports and Academics in Community Colleges,” working title, San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Nodine, T., Jaeger, L., Venezia, A., and Bracco, K. 2012. “Connection by Design: Students’ Perceptions of Their Community College Experiences,” San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Venezia, A. and Voloch, D. Summer 2012. “Using College Placement Exams as Early Signals of College Readiness: An Examination of California’s Early Assessment Program and New York’s At Home in College,” in Hofmann, E. and Voloch, D., eds., New Directions for Higher Education, Number 158, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Nodine, T., Venezia, A. and Bracco, K. 2012. “Changing Course: A Guide to Increasing Student Completion in Community Colleges,” San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Venezia, A. Bracco, K., and Nodine, T. 2012. “Changing Course: A Planning Tool for Increasing Student Completion in Community Colleges,” San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Venezia, A., Nodine, T., and Bracco, K. June 13, 2011. One Shot Deal, and invited blog post for The Campaign for College Opportunity, available at: http://www.collegecampaign.org/blog/one-shot-deal/.
Jaeger, L. and Venezia, A. April 2011. “Offering Student Supports in High Rigor High Need Secondary Schools Partnered with Postsecondary Institutions: The Case of Early College Schools,” paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Venezia, A. Bracco, K. R., and Nodine, T. October 2010. “One Shot Deal? Students Perceptions of Assessment and Placement in California’s Community Colleges,” San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Lagunoff, R., Venezia, A., Jez, S. J., and Jaeger, L. July 2010. “Comparability of Freshman Composition Courses Across a Sampling of California Community Colleges: An Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes,” San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Venezia, A. July 8, 2009. “Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education for More Students,” an invited blog post for the Harvard Education Publishing Group, available at http://www.hepg.org/blog2.
Kirst, M., Venezia, A., and Nodine, T. March 2009. “Ramp Up To College: A New Vision to Improve College Readiness in California,” Princeton, NJ: The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
Venezia, A. and Santos, J. May 2008. “It’s All Over The Map: The Role of Career and Technical Education in Early College High Schools in JFF’s Network,” a paper commissioned by Jobs for the Future, Boston, MA
Venezia, Andrea and R. Chait. Spring 2008. “Improving Student Preparation for Postsecondary Education,” a paper commissioned by the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC.
Bueschel, Andrea Conklin and A. Venezia, Eds. Fall 2008. "Examining Community College Readiness and Success,” New Directions for Community Colleges, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Venezia, A. November 2007. “State Dual Credit Policies and Local Interpretations: Examples from Illinois, New York, North Carolina, and Utah,” a paper commissioned by Jobs for the Futures, Boston, MA.
Venezia, A. September 2007. “What we know about predictive milestones for postsecondary student success: A summary of the literature,” a paper commissioned by Jobs for the Future, Boston, MA.
Venezia, A. September 2007. “Concurrent Enrollment in New York State: a Review of Programs and Policies in Eleven Institutions,” a paper commissioned by Jobs for the Future, Boston, MA.
Venezia, A. 2007 and Perry, M. May 2007. “Levers for Change: Opportunities to Strengthen California’s High School Curriculum,” Mountain View, CA: EdSource.
Venezia, Andrea and Julie Maxwell-Jolly. 2007. “The Unequal Opportunity to Learn in California’s Schools–Crafting Standards to Track School Quality,” Working Paper 07-2, Berkeley, California: Policy Analysis for California Education.
Venezia, Andrea. February 2007. “Developing Multiple Curricular Pathways in California’s High Schools: Possible Opportunities for Postsecondary Involvement,” a commissioned paper for ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career, sponsored by The James Irvine Foundation.
Venezia, A., E. Brodie, C. J. Walcott, and A. Goel. February 2007. “High School Rigor and Graduation: A Review of the Literature and of Current Efforts and Recommendations about Next Steps,” for the Arizona State Board of Education, San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
Bueschel, Andrea Conklin and A. Venezia. Fall 2006. "The Missing Link: The Role of Community Colleges in the Transition Between High School and College,” New Directions for Community Colleges, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Venezia, A. “The Great Divide,” editorial in Newsday, June 25, 2006.
Kirst, Michael W. and A. Venezia. May 2006. “Improving College Readiness and Success for All Students: A Joint Responsibility Between K–12 and Postsecondary Education,” An Issue Brief for the Secretary of Education’s Commission on Higher Education, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Venezia, A. and J.E. Finney. May 2006. The Governance Divide: The Florida Case Study, San Jose, CA: the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, #05-4.
Venezia, A., M.W. Kirst, and M.D. Usdan. May 2006. The Governance Divide: The New York Case Study, San Jose, CA: the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, #05-6.
Venezia, A., P. M. Callan, M. W. Kirst, and M. D. Usdan. April 2006. The Governance Divide: The Georgia Case Study, San Jose, CA: the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, #05-5.
Venezia, A. and M.W. Kirst. April 2006. The Governance Divide: The Oregon Case Study, San Jose, CA: the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, #05-7.
Callan, P. M., J. E. Finney, M. W. Kirst, M. D. Usdan, and A. Venezia. March 2006. Claiming Common Ground: State Policymaking for Improving College Readiness and Success. San Jose, California: National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, #06-01.
Kirst, Michael W. and A. Venezia. March 2006. “What States Must Do,” Opinion piece in The Chronicle of Higher Education, School and College edition, Volume 52, Issue 27, Page B36.
Venezia, Andrea. Winter 2006. “Levers of Success: Steps States Can Take to Improve College Readiness,” in Connection: The Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education, Boston, MA, pp. 16-18.
Venezia, A., P. M. Callan, J.E. Finney, M.W. Kirst, and M.D. Usdan. September 2005. The Governance Divide: A Report on a Four-State Study on Improving College Readiness and Success, San Jose, CA: the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education Report #05-3.
Kirst, M. W. and A. Venezia. May 2005. "Inequitable Opportunities: How Current Education Systems and Policies Undermine the Chances for Student Persistence and Success in College," part of a special issue on Expanding Opportunity in Higher Education: California and the Nation for Educational Policy, Sage Publishers, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 283-307.
Venezia, A. June 2003. “A Proposed Model for P-16 Accountability,” a paper for the Education Commission of the States, Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States.
Rainwater, T. and A. Venezia. May 2003. “Early Outreach,” in Student Success: Statewide P-16 Systems, a report for the Pathways to College Network, Denver, CO: State Higher Education Executive Officers.
Venezia, A., M. Kirst, and A. Antonio. March 2003. “Betraying the College Dream: How Disconnected Systems Undermine Student Aspirations,” the final policy report and brief of the Bridge Project, Stanford, CA: Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research.
Venezia, A. February 2003. “Connecting the Systems: What Can Postsecondary Education Do to Work with K-12 to Help Students Prepare Better for College,” Peer Review, Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges and Universities.
Venezia, A. May 2002. “A Student-Centered P-16 Accountability Model,” a paper for the Aspen Institute’s National Forum on Accountability, Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States.
Kirst, M. and Venezia, A. September 2001. “Bridging the Great Divide Between Secondary Schools and Postsecondary Education,” Phi Delta Kappan, No. 83, Vol. 1, pp. 92-97.
Bueschel, A. and A. Venezia. December 2001. “Oregon Technical Report,” for Stanford University’s Bridge Project, Stanford, CA: Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research.
Venezia, A. May 2001. “Texas Technical Report,” for Stanford University’s Bridge Project, Deliverable #2292 for the U.S. Department of Education, Stanford, CA: National Center for Postsecondary Improvement.
Venezia, A. May 2000. “Connecting California’s K-12 and Higher Education Systems: Challenges and Opportunities,” Critical Issues in California State Education Policy, Berkeley, CA: Policy Analysis for California Education.
Fuller, E. and A. Venezia. April 1998. “Strengthening the Education Pipeline from Kindergarten to College: Policy Analysis and Recommendations,” report for the Texas Senate Interim Committee on Education, Austin, TX: The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.
Fuentes, E. and A. Venezia. June 1993. “Public Reaction to the Report of The Task Force on Assessing the National Goal Relating to Postsecondary Education,” Washington, DC: National Education Goals Panel, Vol. 92-07.
Advisory Board Memberships
James Irvine Foundation Linked Bridging the Gap Advisory Group Member (2014)
College and Career Readiness Task Bank Advisory Board Member, Educational Policy Improvement Center (2013-14)
Texas Early Assessment Working Group Member (2010).
Secretary of U. S. Department of Education Spellings’ Alignment Working Group Member, in preparation for Higher Education Summit (2007).
Innovative Approaches to Improving College Access: Best Practices and Preliminary Impacts: Results from the McCabe Funds of the Lumina Foundation, a Lumina Foundation-funded project at Columbia University’s Teachers College, Advisory Board Member (2005-2007).
Board Member, Secretary, the Educational Policy Improvement Center at the University of Oregon (2004-present).
Academic Pathways to Access and Student Success, a Lumina Foundation-funded project at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Office of Community College Research and Leadership, Advisory Board Member (2003-2004).
Foundation for a College Education, East Palo Alto, California, Advisor (2002-2004).
Selected Previous Employment
WestEd, San Francisco, CA
National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education
Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research
Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
American Institutes for Research
National Education Goals Panel