Contact Information
Name: Michelle L Stevens
Title: Associate Professor
Office Location: Amador Hall 555B
Email: stevensm@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-2914 Cell: (916) 765-7397
Mailing Address: CSUS, Environmental Studies Dept, 555B Amador Hall, 6000 J St; Sacramento, CA 95819
Office Hours: Tu 3:00-5:00 PM, Th 3:00-4:00 PM
Where to find me : Amador Hall 555B
Courses that I teach
- Environmental Studies 10
- Environmental Studies 112: International Environmental Problems
- Environmental Studies 121: Field Methods Syllabus
- Environmental Studies 151: Restoration Ecology (pdf)
- Environmental Studies 121: Field Methods
- Environmental Studies 158: Wetlands Ecology
- Environmental Studies 163: Ethnoecology
- Environmental Studies ID-196:Climate Conference
Papers and Publications
Al-Mudaffar Fawzi, N., K. Goodwin, B. Mehdi, and M.L. Stevens. 2016. Effects of Mesopotamian Marsh (Iraq) Desiccation on Cultural Knowledge and Livelihood of Marsh Arab Women, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. In Press.
Stevens, M.L. and N. Salman. 2015. Application of International Water Law in Eden: Environment Protection of the Mesopotamian Marshes in Southern Iraq. Wetlands, Science and Policy 32(3): 17-27
Stevens, M.L. and Cheyene Keniston. 2015. Healing the People, Healing the Land: Weaving Ethnoecology into Environmental Studies Curriculum. Environmental science for the Curious: Why Study Environmental Science? Ed. Kaishor Vaidya, University of Canbarra, Canbarra, Australia
Stevens, M.L. 2015. White paper Utilizing the California Rapid Assessment Method Depressional Modulein the Azraq Wetlands, Jordan. Pilot project for Middle East Wetlands. Royal Jordanian Society for Conservation of Nature
Stevens, M.L. and E. Zaloza. 2015. Fire, Floodplains and Fish: the Historic Ecology of the Lower
Cosumnes River Watershed. Edited by Pei Lin Yu, In Rivers, Fish and the People. Tradition, Science and Historical Ecology of River Fisheries in the American West. University of Utah Press.
Milanés Murcia[1][1], Maria E., Samuel Sandoval Solis, and Michelle Stevens, 2013, EnvironmentlProtection of Wetlands under International Law, Wetlands Science and Policy 30(4):9-26
Stevens, M.L. 2013. HIMA Mesopotamia: Community Generated Conservation in the Tigris
Euphrates Watershed (Eds.) Majda Khalil Suleiman, KISR, Walid Saleh, and Mukhtar Hahemi, Newcastle University, UK, & Narrayana R. Bhat, In KISR Workshop: Towards an Implementation Strategy for the Human Integrated Management Approach Governance System: Theories, Concepts, Methodologies, Case Studies and Action Plans. Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research. Pp 220-238. http://hima.kisr.edu.kw/main/assets/publications/HIMAProceedings.pdf
Fleming, Tova and M.L. Stevens. 2011. Breaking the Silence: Ecocide and Renewal in Iraq’s Marshlands. Earth First Journal 31(3): 13-17.
Stevens, M.L. and E. Zaloza. Submitted 2010. Peer review for chapter and book completed, revisions incorporated and submitted Sept 2012. Chapter and book completed and submitted to University of Utah press. Fire, Floodplains and Fish: the Historic Ecology of the Lower Cosumnes River Watershed. Edited by Pei Lin Yu, InRivers, Fish and the People. Tradition, Science and Historical Ecology of River Fisheries in the American West. University of Utah Press.
Stevens, M.L. Sept 2009. Desperate Plight of the Mesopotamian Marshes, southern Iraq. Wetland Science and Practice.
Stevens, M.L . 2004 . Ethnoecology of Selected California Wetland Plants. Fremontia A Journal of the California Native Plant Society, (accepted for Vol 32.2, April 2004).
Stevens, M.L. 2004 . White Root ( Carex barbarae Dewey, Cyperaceae). Fremontia A Journal of the California Native Plant Society (accepted for Vol. 32.2, April 2004)
Stevens, M.L. 2004. Restoration of the Mesopotamian Marshes of Southern Iraq : Synthesis of Current Restoration Activities. Canadian Reclamation Summer/ Fall 2004: 7-11. Canadian Land Reclamation Association and Lester Communications .
Stevens, M.L . 2003 . The Contribution of Traditional Resource Management (TRM) of White Root ( Carex barbarae Dewey, Cyperaceae) by California Indians to Riparian Ecosystem Structure and Function. In Faber, P.M. (ed.). California Riparian Systems: Processes and Floodplain Management, Ecology, and Restoration. 2001 Riparian Habitat and Floodplains Conference Proceedings, Riparian Habitat Joint Venture, Sacramento , California .pp 502-511.
Stevens, M.L . The Ethnobotany and Restoration of White Root ( Carex barbarae ) in California. Journal of Ecological Restoration (submitted).
Stevens, M.L. 2011. Marsh Arabs Integral to Ecological Resiliency and Cultural Identity in Mesopotamian Marshes, Southern Iraq. In Egan, D, E. Hjerpe, and J. Abrams. Exploring the Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration. Island Press.
Stevens, M.L. 2007. Iraq and Iran in Ecological Perspective: The Mesopotamian Marshes and the Hawizeh-Azim Peace Park. In Ali, Saleem (Ed.). Peace Parks. Conservation and Conflict Resolution. MIT Press. pp. 313-331.
Stevens, M.L. 2006. Healing the People and the Land in Southern Iraq. In Iparraquirre, A. and J.M. Rondon (Eds.). The NGO Revolution. Healing a Hurting World. Paragon House, St. Paul, Minnesota. pp. 149-164.
Stevens, M. L. and A. Ryan. 1997. Healing the Land, Healing the People: Ethnobotany of the Putah-Cache Creeks Bioregion. Public Service Research Program, U.C. Davis.
Vanbianchi, R., M.L. Stevens, T. Sullivan and S. Hashisaki. 1994. A Citizen's Guide to Wetland Restoration. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA. Region 10. 71 pp.
Stevens, M.L. and R. Vanbianchi. 1993 . Restoring Wetlands in Washington. A Guidebook for Wetland Restoration, Planning and Implementation. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Publication #93-17.
Bursik, R. and M.L. Stevens. 1990. Hydric Soils of Washington. Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington.
Research Projects/Interests
- California Wetland Rapid Assessment Methodology Level 2
- Global Hima Framework for WANA Geographic Area
- Eco-Cultural Restoration of the Mesopotamian Marshes of southern Iraq www.iraqfoundation.org
- Historic Ecology of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Wetlands and Riparian Ecology and Restoration
- Conservation Biology, Specializing in Native Flora
- Ethnoecology: Traditional Resource Management and Traditional Ecologicla Knowledge
- International Conservation
- Establishment of Peace Parks & Trans-boundary Conservation Areas
Professional Associations
- Ecological Society of America,
- Society of Ecological Restoration,
- Society of Wetland Scientists,
- Society of Ethnobiology,
- California Native Plant Society,