Contact Information
Name: Warren D. Smith, Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Office Location: RVR 5058
Email: smithwd@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6458
Mailing Address: EEE Dept., Sacramento State, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6019
Office Hours: By appointment
Where to find me : 5058 or 5027 Riverside Hall
Courses That I Teach
- CpE 144: DSP Architecture Design
- EEE 122: Applied Digital Signal Processing
- EEE 180: Signals and Systems
- EEE 181: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- EEE 185: Modern Communication Systems
- EEE 186: Communication Systems Laboratory
- EEE 199: Special Problems
- EEE 245: Advanced Digital Signal Processing
- EEE 260: Statistical Theory of Communication
- EEE 261: Information Theory, Coding, and Detection
- EEE 299: Special Problems
- EEE 500: Culminating Experience
- ENGR 120: Probability and Random Signals
Journal Publications
Stefanidis, Dimitrios, Scerbo, Mark W., Montero, Paul N., Acker, Christina E., and Smith, Warren D., “Simulator training to automaticity leads to improved skill transfer compared with traditional proficiency-based training: A randomized controlled trial,” Annals of Surgery, Vol. 255, pp. 30-37, 2012.
Prabhu, Ajita, Smith, Warren., Yurko, Yuliya., Acker, C., and Stefanidis, Dimitrios., “Increased stress levels may explain the incomplete transfer of simulator-acquired skills to the operating room,” Surgery, Vol. 147, pp. 640-645, 2010.
Berguer, Ramon, and Smith, Warren D., "An ergonomic comparison of robotic and laparoscopic technique: The influence of surgeon experience and task complexity," Journal of Surgical Research, Vol. 134, pp. 87-92, 2006.
Smith, Warren D., Berguer, Ramon, and Nguyen, Ninh T., "Monitor height affects surgeons' stress level and performance on minimally invasive surgery tasks," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 111, pp. 498-501, 2005.
Smith, Warren D., and Berguer, Ramon, "A simple virtual instrument to monitor surgeons' workload while they perform minimally invasive surgery tasks," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 98, pp. 363-369, 2004.
Berguer, Ramon, Chen, Jerry, and Smith, Warren D., "A comparison of the physical effort required for laparoscopic and open surgical techniques," Archives of Surgery, Vol. 138, pp. 967-970, 2003.
Smith, Warren D., Berguer, Ramon, and Rosser, James C., "Wireless virtual instrument measurement of surgeons' physical and mental workloads for robotic versus manual minimally invasive surgery," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 94, pp. 318-324, 2003.
Berguer, R., Smith, W. D., and Davis, S., "An ergonomic study of the optimum operating table height for laparoscopic surgery," Surgical Endoscopy, Vol. 16, pp. 416-421, 2002.
Struys, Michel M. R. F., Jensen, Eric Weber, Smith, Warren, Smith, N. Ty, Rampil, Ira, Dumortier, Frank J. E., Mestach, Christel, and Mortier, Eric P., "Performance of the ARX-derived auditory evoked potential index as an indicator of anesthetic depth: A comparison with Bispectral Index and hemodynamic measures during propofol administration," Anesthesiology, Vol. 96, pp. 784-787, 2002.
Berguer, R., Smith, W. D., and Chung, Y.-H., "Performing laparoscopic surgery is significantly more stressful for the surgeon than open surgery," Surgical Endoscopy, Vol. 15, pp. 1204-1207, 2001.
Berguer, R., Forkey, D. L., and Smith, W. D., "The effect of laparoscopic instrument working angle on surgeons' upper extremity workload," Surgical Endoscopy, Vol. 15, pp. 1027-1029, 2001.
Nguyen, Ninh T., Ho, Hung S., Smith, Warren D., Philipps, Constantine, Lewis, Clare, De Vera, Rodel, and Berguer, Ramon, "An ergonomic evaluation of surgeons' axial skeletal and upper extremity movements during laparoscopic and open surgery," American Journal of Surgery, Vol. 182, pp. 720-724, 2001.
Smith, Warren D., Chung, Yi-Hung, and Berguer, Ramon, "A virtual instrument ergonomics workstation for measuring the mental workload of performing video-endoscopic surgery," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 70, pp. 309-315, 2000.
Smith, Warren D., Williams, Gregory B., Berguer, Ramon, and Anderson, John T., "LabVIEW facilitates interdisciplinary team projects in graduate biomedical engineering courses," International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 16, pp. 234-243, 2000. Invited paper.
Dutton, Robert C., Smith, Warren D., Rampil, Ira J., Chortkoff, Ben S., and Eger, Edmond I., II, "Forty-hertz mid-latency auditory evoked potential activity predicts wakeful response during desflurane and propofol anesthesia in volunteers," Anesthesiology, Vol. 91, pp. 1209-1220, 1999. Accompanied by Editorial View: Plourde, Gilles, “Auditory evoked potentials and 40-Hz oscillations,” Anesthesiology, Vol. 91, pp. 1187-1189, 1999.
Berguer, R., Forkey, D. L., and Smith, W. D., "Ergonomic problems associated with laparoscopic surgery," Surgical Endoscopy, Vol. 13, pp. 466-468, 1999.
Berguer, Ramon, Chen, Chien-Yu, and Smith, Warren D., "A virtual instrument ergonomics workstation to measure surgeons' physical stress," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 62, pp. 49-54, 1999.
Smith, Warren D., Berguer, Ramon, and Forkey, Denise L., "Virtual ergonomic studies in endoscopic intervention," Administrative Radiology, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 21-23, 1998. Invited paper.
Smith, Warren D., Forkey, Denise L., and Berguer, Ramon, "The Virtual Instrumentation (VI) Laboratory facilitates customized on-site ergonomic analysis of minimally invasive surgery," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 50, pp. 240-245, 1998.
Smith, Warren D., Berguer, Ramon, and Loeb, Robert G., "Virtual instrumentation for human factors studies in surgery and anesthesia," Laboratory Robotics and Automation, Vol. 10, pp. 99-105, 1998. Invited paper.
Dutton, Robert C., Smith, Warren D., Bennett, Henry L., Archer, Stephen T., and Smith, N. Ty, "Craniofacial electromyogram activation response: another indication of anesthetic depth," Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, Vol. 14, pp. 5-17, 1998.
Berguer, Ramon, Loeb, Robert G., and Smith, Warren D., "Use of the Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory for the assessment of human factors in surgery and anesthesia," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 39, pp. 187-194, 1997.
Dutton, Robert C., Smith, Warren D., and Smith, N. Ty, "EEG predicts response to surgical stimuli during general anesthesia with combinations of isoflurane, 70% N2O, and fentanyl," Journal of Clinical Monitoring, Vol. 12, pp. 127-139, 1996.
Smith, Warren D., Dutton, Robert C., and Smith, N. Ty, "A measure of association for assessing prediction accuracy that is a generalization of nonparametric ROC area," Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 15, pp. 1199-1215, 1996.
Leslie, Kate, Sessler, Daniel I., Smith, Warren D., Larson, Merlin D., Ozaki, Makoto, Blanchard, Don, and Crankshaw, David P., "Prediction of movement during propofol/nitrous oxide anesthesia: Performance of concentration, electroencephalographic, pupillary, and hemodynamic indicators," Anesthesiology, Vol. 84, pp. 52-64, 1996.
Smith, Warren D., Dutton, Robert C., and Smith, N. Ty, "Measuring the performance of anesthetic depth indicators," Anesthesiology, Vol. 84, pp. 38-51, 1996.
Smith, Warren D., "Clarification of sensitivity measure A'," Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. 39, pp. 82-89, 1995.
Dutton, Robert C., Smith, Warren D., and Smith, N. Ty, "Brief wakeful response to command indicates wakefulness with suppression of memory formation during surgical anesthesia," Journal of Clinical Monitoring, Vol. 11, pp. 41-46, 1995.
Dutton, Robert C., Smith, Warren D., and Smith, N. Ty, "Wakeful response to command indicates memory potential during emergence from general anesthesia," Journal of Clinical Monitoring, Vol. 11, pp. 35-40, 1995.
Smith, W. D., and Lager, D. L., "Evaluation of simple algorithms for spectral parameter analysis of the electroencephalogram," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME-33, pp. 352-358, 1986.
Marsh, W. I., and Smith, W. D., "A flexible system for closed-loop ventilator development," Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 1982.
Smith, Warren D., "Walsh versus Fourier estimators of the EEG power spectrum," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME-28, pp. 790-793, 1981.
Solomon, S., Bengele, H. H., and Smith W. D., "Postnatal plasma concentration and urinary excretion of Na and K in the rat," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 157, pp. 12-17, 1978.
Smith, Warren D., and Mohler, R. R., "Necessary and sufficient conditions in the tracer determination of compartmental system order," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 57, pp. 1-21, 1976.
Smith, L. & Doe, M., 2005. Source characterization of demo tools. Abstracts with Programs, Demo Society of America. Vol. 30.
Smith, L. & Doe, M., 2005. Source characterization of demo tools. Abstracts with Programs, Demo Society of America. Vol. 30.
Smith, L. & Doe, M., 2005. Source characterization of demo tools. Abstracts with Programs, Demo Society of America. Vol. 30.
Smith, L. & Doe, M., 2005. Source characterization of demo tools. Abstracts with Programs, Demo Society of America. Vol. 30.
Research Projects/Interests
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Professional Associations
- American Demo Union
- Demo Society of America
- National Association of Demo Teachers
- California Demo Education Foundation
Callout Box Demo
The library quad
Guy West Bridge
Mariposa Hall
University Union