Contact Information
Name: Mical K. Shilts
Title: Professor
Office Location: 3033 Mariposa Hall
Email: shiltsm@csus.edu
Office Phone: 916.278.4288
Mailing Address: 6000 J street, Sacramento CA 95819-6053
Office Hours: https://www.csus.edu/facs/nutrition-and-food/nufd-diet%20faculty%20advisors.html
Courses That I Teach
FACS 10 Nutrition and Wellness. Introduction to the basic principles of nutrition and the relationship of the human diet to health. Overview of the nutrition profession, the biological uses of nutrients and tools for dietary planning. Examination of specific issues such as weight loss, sports nutrition, food safety, the diet-disease relationship and global nutrition. Analyzes special nutritional requirements and needs during the life cycle. Evaluation of personal dietary habits using current dietary guidelines and nutritional assessment methods. 3 units.
FACS 107 Nutrition Education Communication and Counseling. Nutrition Education, communication and counseling techniques for use by the nutrition/dietetics professional. Introduction and application of various health behavior theories to promote change in diverse target audiences. Development of nutrition care plans, educational materials and activities for individual groups. Understand and apply methods of dietary assessment and motivational interviewing. Prerequisites: FACS 10 and an additional 3 FACS units. 3 units.
FACS 117 Community Nutrition. Study of theory, concepts and philosophy affecting nutrition education and services in the community. Introduction to techniques or interviewing and counseling clients. Emphasis on culturally sensitive approaches to dietary assessment, counseling and community nutrition research. Use of a variety of teaching methods to improve nutrition status of the community. Field study involves practical experience in a community nutrition program. Lecture, discussion two hours; field study three hours. Prerequisite: FACS 113, FACS 115 or FACS 119. 3 units.
Research Projects/Interests
My research interests concentrate on the development and evaluation of obesity prevention interventions applying “guided” goal setting targeting low-income, ethnically-diverse audiences. Additionally, I collaborate on the design and validation of dietary assessment tools for low-literate audiences.
Shilts MK, Sitnich SL, Ontai L, Townsend MS. (2018) Guided goal setting: A feasible obesity prevention behavior change strategy for low-income parents with young children. J Human Sciences & Extension. 6(3):161-179.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Styne DM, Drake C, Lanoue LL, Ontai L. (2018) An obesity risk assessment tool for young children: validity with BMI and nutrient values. J Nutr Educ Behavior, 50(7), 705–717.
Sutter C, Ontai LL, Shilts MK, Lanoue LL, Allen LH, Townsend MS. (2018) Associations between School Readiness, Obesity- and Inflammation-related Biomarkers in Low-Income Preschoolers within the Healthy Kids Study. Mind, Brain, & Education. 2018; 12(1), 28-38 doi: 10.1111/mbe.12165.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Styne D, Drake C, Lanoue L, Woodhouse L, Allen LH. (2016) Vegetable behavioral tool demonstrates validity with MyPlate vegetable cups and carotenoid and inflammatory biomarkers. Appetite, 107, 628-638.
Ontai L, Sitnick S, Shilts MK, Townsend MS. (2016) My Child at Mealtime: A Visually Enhanced Self-Assessment of Feeding Styles for Low-Income Parents of Preschoolers. Appetite. 99:76-81.
Sutter C, Ontai LL, Nishina A, Conger KJ, Shilts MK & Townsend MS (2016) Utilizing the desired results developmental profile as a measure of school readiness: evaluating factor structure and predictors of school readiness. Early Child Development and Care. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2016.1174933
Shilts MK, Johns MC, Lamp C, Schneider C, Townsend MS. (2015). A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Customizing My Plate for Low-literate, Low-income Families in 4 Steps. J Nutr Educ Behav. 47(4)394-96 . Online copy is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2015.04.324
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Sylva K, Davidson C, Leavens, Sitnick S, Ontai L. (2014) Obesity Risk for Young Children: Development and initial validation of an assessment tool for participants of USDA programs. Forum for Family & Consumer Issues. 19(3).
Shilts MK, Sitnick SL, Ontai L, Townsend MS. (2013). Guided Goal Setting: A behavior change strategy adapted to the needs of low-income parents of young children participating in Cooperative Extension programs. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. Spring/Summer 18(1).
Shilts, MK, Townsend MS, Dishman RK. (2013). Using Goal Setting to Promote Health Behavior Change: Diet and Physical Activity. In Locke, EA & Latham, G (Eds), New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance (pp. 415-438). New York, NY: Routledge.
Shilts, MK, Townsend MS. A Goal Setting Intervention Positively Impacts Adolescents’ Dietary Behaviors and Physical Activity Self-Efficacy. Journal of Youth Development- Bridging Research and Practice. 2012;7(4): 92-108, #120704PA001.
Shilts, MK, Martin, AC, Townsend, MS. Dose: Comparison of 6 and 12 Nutrition and Physical Activity Sessions Targeting Middle School Adolescents. Journal of Youth Development- Bridging Research and Practice. 2009:4(4) #0904FA004.
Shilts, MK, Lamp, CL, Horowitz, M, and Townsend, MS. Pilot Study: EatFit Impacts Sixth Graders’ Academic Performance on Achievement of Mathematics and English Education Standards. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009;41(2):127-131.
Shilts, MK, Horowitz, M, Townsend, MS. Guided Goal Setting: Effectiveness in a dietary and physical activity intervention with low-income adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2009;20(1):111-122.
Shilts, MK, Smith, D, Ontai, L, Townsend, MS. Evidence to Support the Use of the Retrospective Pretest Method to Measure Dietary and Physical Activity Behavior and Self-Efficacy in Adolescents. Journal of Youth Development- Bridging Research and Practice. 2008;3(1) #080301RS002.
Horowitz, M, Shilts, MK, Lamp, CL, and Townsend MS. A Standards-driven Evaluation of Academic Performance: An 8-step process for Nutrition Educators. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2008;40:401-403.
Townsend, MS, Johns, M, Shilts, MK, Farfan-Ramirez, L. Evaluation of a USDA Nutrition Education Program for Low-income Youth. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2006;38:30-41.
Horowitz M, Shilts MK, Townsend, MS. Adapting a Diet Analysis Application for an Adolescent Audience. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2005;37:43-44.
Shilts, MK, Horowitz, M, Townsend, MS. Goal Setting as a Strategy for Dietary and Physical Activity Behavior Change: A Review of the Literature. American Journal Health Promotion. 2004; 19:81-93.
Shilts, MK., Horowitz, M, and Townsend, MS. An Innovative Approach to Goal Setting for Adolescents: Guided Goal Setting. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2004;36:155-156.
Horowitz, M., Shilts, MK., and Townsend, MS. EatFit: A Goal Oriented Intervention that Challenges Middle School Adolescents to Improve their Eating and Fitness Choices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2004;36:43-44.
Selected Abstracts & Presentations
Townsend MS, Shilts MK & Diaz Rios LK. An Obesity Risk Assessment Tool for Young Children: Validity with BMI and Nutrient Values. J Nutr Educ Behav. National Webinar: Journal Club. November 5, 2018. https://www.sneb.org/journal-club-webinar-series/
Shilts MK, Sitnick S, Ontai L, & Townsend, MS. A Guided Goal Setting Intervention Improves Child Feeding Practices of Low-Income Parents. J Nutr Behav Educ. 2018: 50(7):S107.
Mulasi U, Franzen-Castle L & Shilts MK. Investigating Dietary and Physical Activity Patterns Among Hmong American Youth: A Cultural Perspective. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018: 50(7):S64.
Sutter C, Shilts MK, Lanoue L, Townsend MS, Ontai L. School Readiness, Obesity, and Inflammation-Related Biomarkers in Low-Income Preschoolers within the Healthy Kids Study. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018: 50(7):S108-9.
Lanoue L, Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Drake C, Ontai L, Diaz Rios LK, Keim N, & Styne DM. Using Biomarkers for the Validation of Niños Sanos, an Obesity Risk Assessment Tool: Preliminary Results. J Nutr Behav Educ. 2018: 50(7):S109.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Ontai, L, Drake C, Lanoue L, Styne, DM, Keim N, Diaz Rios, KL, Panarella K. Obesity Risk, Parenting & Diet Quality Tools for Hispanic Families with Preschoolers: EFNEP, Head Start, Medical Clinic-Year 3. J Nutr Behav Educ. 2018: 50(7):S108.
Shilts MK, Diaz Rios LK, Ontai L, Panarella KH, Styne DM, Townsend MS. Scaling Up Childhood Obesity Prevention Interventions from Feasibility, RCT to Translation. My presentation title, Feasibility of Embedding a Community Nutrition Program into a Medical Clinic Setting. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference Symposium. Hong Kong. June 4, 2018, p. 18.
Shilts MK, Townsend MS2 Styne DM, Drake CM, Lanoue L, Woodhouse L, Allen LH. Policy relevant tools to measure obesity-related behaviors in young children: methodological advances guiding short tool development and validation. Convenor: Golle R. My presentation title, Development of a brief assessment tool tailored to low-income, ethnically diverse parents of young children using cognitive interviewing & Photo Customization. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference Symposium. Hong Kong. June 6, 2018, p. 77.
Shilts MK & Horowitz M. EatFit Intervention Training. Two-day workshop for Cooperative Extension and SNAP-Ed educators. Washington. May 21-22, 2018.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Diaz Rios LK, Lanoue L, Welk G. Tools for Assessing Home Obesogenic Environments: From Development to Real World Applications. My presentation title, Healthy Kids Validation and Real World Applications. Society for Nutrition Education & Behavior Conference Symposium, Washington DC. July 23, 2017.
Shilts MK, Reed ML, Leavens L, Ontai L, Lanoue L, Styne D, Townsend MS. Development of a Medical Center Kiosk to Promote Pediatric Obesity Risk Reduction. J Nutr Educ Behav 2017;49(7S1): S121-NP29.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Ontai LL, Drake C, Lanoue L, Styne D, Diaz Rios K, Panarella K. Obesity Risk, Parenting & Diet Quality Assessment for Spanish-Speaking Families with Preschool Children: EFNEP, Head Start, Medical Clinic-Year 2. J Nutr Educ Behav 2017;49(7S1): S120-21-NP28.
Shilts MK, Drake C, Lanoue L, Beatrice F, Townsend MS. Physical Activity and Screen Time 24-hr Logs Validate a Brief Activity Tool. J Nutr Educ Behav 2016; 48(7): S131.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Ontai LL, Drake C, Lanoue L, Styne D, Diaz Rios K, Panarella K. Obesity Risk, Parenting & Diet Quality Assessment for Spanish-Speaking Families with Preschool Children: EFNEP, Head Start, Medical Clinic-Year 1. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2016; 48 (7)132.
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Ontai L. Helping Federal Programs Combat Childhood Obesity with New Valid Evaluation Tools & Education Materials. Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition (IFSN) Seminar Series. September 29, 2015. http://nifa.usda.gov/resource/helping-federal-programs-combat-childhood-obesity-new-valid-evaluation-tools-education
Shilts MK, Styne D, Drake C. Aden C, Townsend MS. Fast Food, Fat and Sugar Sweetened Beverage Items are Related to Children's Dietary Energy Density. FASEB [Experimental Biology], Boston, MA. FASEB J. 2015; 29 Suppl 1:731.6
Townsend MS, Shilts MK, Ontai LL. “Obesity risk assessment for preschoolers: Tailor to your needs.” Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior National Webinar. Recorded March 31, 2014. Available at http://www.sneb.org/events/webinars.html
Townsend MS, Ontai L, Shilts MK, Sylva K, Allen L, Styne D, Lamp C, Schneider C, Johns M. Efficacy of obesity risk assessment tools integrated with parental guided goal setting to maintain healthy weight among preschool children Year 4. J Nutr Educ Behav 2014;46(4S):S198
Shilts MK, Townsend MS. Efficacy of a Guided Goal-setting Intervention for Low-income Parents to Reduce Risk of Pediatric Obesity: preliminary results. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2014; 46(4S):S118.
Shilts MK, Ontai L, Townsend MS. Tailored Pediatric Obesity Risk Assessment and Guided Goal Setting. Childhood Obesity Conference. Long Beach, CA. June 2013.
Townsend MS, Ontai L, Shilts MK, Sylva K, Allen L, Styne D, Lamp C, Schneider C, Johns M. Efficacy of obesity risk assessment tools integrated with parental guided goal setting to maintain healthy weight among preschool children Year 3. J Nutr Educ Behav 2013;45(4S):UP49,S91.
Shilts, MK. Behavioral Intervention Strategies to Reduce Childhood Obesity. Nutrition for the Changing World (NCW) program at CSU, Fullerton. Sept. 21, 2012. Recorded presentation available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q4Fy6RjbaU
Townsend MS, Ontai L, Shilts MK, Sylva K, Allen L, Styne D, Lamp C, Schneider C, Johns M. Efficacy of Obesity Risk Assessment Tools Integrated with Parental Guided Goal Setting to Maintain Healthy Weight Among Preschool Children: Year 2. J Nutr Educ Behav 2012;44(4S):S88
Shilts MK, Lamp C, Johns M, Schneider C, Townsend MS. My Healthy Plate and Preschool Parents. J Nutr Educ Behav 2012;44(4S):S34-35.
Shilts, MK, Davidson C, Leavens L, Sitnick SL, Sylva K, Ontai L, Townsend MS Feasibility of “Guided Goal-Setting” to Reduce Risk of Pediatric Overweight among Low-income Families: Preliminary Results. 9th Annual International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference Abstracts 2010; 277(P022), Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Shilts MK, Davidson C, Leavens L, Sitnick SL, Sylva K, Ontai L, Townsend MS. Feasibility of a Guided Goal-Setting Intervention Designed to Reduce Risk of Pediatric Obesity in Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Families. Childhood Obesity Conference. San Diego, CA. July 2011.
Professional Associations
International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity- www.isbnpa.org
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior- www.sneb.org