Contact Information
Name: Mr. J Patrick Sparks
Title: Mr. Patrick Sparks
Office Location: Sequoia Hall 530
Email: jpsparks@csus.edu
Office Phone: use email
Mailing Address: Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6057
Office Hours: Mondays SQU 502 2:00 to 3:00
Office Hours: Tuesdays SQU 530 11:00 to 12:00
Office Hours: Thursdays SQU 530 11:00 to 12:00
Office Hours: and by appointment
Chemistry 1B
- University Academic Schedule for Fall 2018
- University Final Exam Schedule for Fall 2018
- Chem 1B Lecture and Lab times for Fall 2018
- PAL Schedule as of 8/31/18
- Chem 1B Syllabus for Fall 2018 as of 8/8/2018
- Mr. Sparks weekly Schedule for Fall 2018
- Chem 1B Experiment 1 for Fall 2018
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Homework will not be collected or graded. Some homework problems will be used to make up some exam and quiz questions, so you should attempt as much homework as possible.
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- Help with Excel
- Simple Excel Graph Instructions
- Importing Data from a USB drive into Excel (Experiment 14)
Chemistry 31
See your SACCT for assignments.